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How to Trundle... in this current meta.

Creator: KatariFIRE August 15, 2014 3:21pm
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 15, 2014 3:21pm | Report
I have play a lot of Jungler lately...

Love Kha'Zix, Rengar or even Fiora.

But Trundle give me 3 streak loses...

He seems... too slow for me, his gank is ok with a pillar, his clear speed and sustain is monster.. but lack mobility to keep up with this META popular champ like Fizz, Ziggs, Jax, Ezerael or whoever with built in escape...

Usually something like Lucian, Vayne just kite me to death... I manage to take down them when I have Flash or Ghost but if not it's kinda hard... if not impossible.

Or I just have to buy Lee Sin or Elise instead...
Yes, they are recently nerf... but still strong IMO.
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2014 9:11am | Report
From my limited knowledge of the jungle role, I would say Trundle should focus more on counter ganking / counter jungling and objective control. He's a good duelist and his clear speed - as you mentioned - is high, but unless an enemy has already committed to fighting and the escape ability ( Lucian's Relentless Pursuit, for example) has been used, he's too easy to avoid/kite.

His teamfights should work similar to those of top lane Trundle: if someone's out of position, punish them with Pillar of Ice so your team can capitalise. If not, try to zone the enemy carries without taking free damage. Don't endlessly chase a Vayne if you aren't able to reach her due to proper kiting, simply turn back around to help your team and be ready to turn on the Vayne again if she feels like she's safe to move forward. Obviously this becomes harder if the Vayne is really far ahead / if you're behind and not tanky at all, but in any case Trundle simply isn't the sort of champion who excels at killing carries. His main job is to show presence and zone enemy carries away from the fight so they don't obliterate his team, not to kill them.

Having said all that, I think other junglers like Lee Sin, Kha'Zix etc. have an easier time in the jungle right now and I don't see a reason to pick Trundle over them.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 5:31am | Report
Thanks for your help Wayne3100, I played trundle a lot lately and found that his main goal like you said is to show presence and scare carries away from their advantage point in team figh. He is also a good duelist against other tanky champ and his pillar and slow are quite annoying.

If Riot is gonna upgrade his kit I suggest that they should focus on Tenacity .
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"

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