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Looking for Diamond to Challenger Coach/ADC

Creator: PropheTheGap November 13, 2017 11:57am
PropheTheGap's Forum Avatar
Nov 13th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2017 11:57am | Report
Dear to whomever it concerns,

I want to start this by saying thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. I'm looking for a beginner coach or ADC main that can teach, & review my game play for free. (You can use me as a pupil to lunch your career or another player you can add to your résumé to show the community your coaching works) I'm an ADC main and only have played for a total of 7 months in this game. That being said I'm in cardboard elo (Bronze) because I know I lack the skill to climb. I have been focus training on these core fundamentals trading, warding, mini-map awareness, mouse speed, damage fore-sighting, spacing, cs-ing, combos, and build orders. From there I have moved on to understanding roaming, counter ganking, different ward placements, understanding meta (which to me honestly means nothing because any champion can carry), and most importantly strategy. I have a pool of champions to focus on the mechanics of these champions Miss fortune, Caitlin, Vayne, Varus, Twitch, Ashe, Quinn. I do not want to engage in making my champion pool any larger for the time being till I start to see more improvement. I play of a max of 8-10 games a day and more if I'm on a good streak. I take every game serious and want to become challenger one day and maybe get scouted on a professional team. It's a dream of mine that I will make happen with or without someones help. Just reaching out to any coaches or Diamond/Challenger ADC's mains that can help me reach this goal faster. I'm humble but at times but I do get toxic because of costly mis-plays from teammates. Which I do not do often because I feel like I'm the one that needs improvement. Want to end this by saying thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope all is well.

Best regards,

Username: Gig Prophet
vickicasey's Forum Avatar
Nov 14th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 14, 2017 9:33am | Report
pretty interesting

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