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Looking for well rounded mentor.

Creator: Snuggles Galore August 26, 2011 9:49pm
Snuggles Galore
Snuggles Galore's Forum Avatar
Aug 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 26, 2011 9:49pm | Report

I've been playing LoL for a few weeks now and I've got the gist of things down. Right now I mostly play as either Leona or Irelia (Irelia much less as of late - will explain later).

I try to be as aware of the map as I can, watching and calling MIA's and tossing out wards when I'm able to. I've come to a sort of road block though.

I'm having a hard time moving from early-game into mid and late game. First in early game. I try going for last hits. Though I tend to horribly fail be it poor timing or being out harassed by all these heavy ranged and caster champs. So when mid-game hits and the focus sort of shifts from minions to team fighting. My income pretty much comes to a halt, then I get left with a bunch of unfinished items. From there on, it's all down hill.

I used to main Irelia most games and do pretty well, having a decent KD ratio - able to contribute a lot to my team. Though now, I'm having a very hard time getting off the ground with her. I almost always get matched up against a ranged or caster champ. This ends up being. I'm pushed to turret and attempt to farm what I can and hope that I'm not going to get tower dived (this happens a lot even when I'm at full health). In which case I end up dying and end up going on a death streak due to falling behind in cash flow.

Anyway, I'm open to any kind of help with stepping my game up. I have a brain and I'm willing to listen xD

TL;DR - Needing help with shifting from early game to mid game. Wanting assistance with building up AD champs as well as building up Tanks. Possibly some jungle help.

IGN: Snuggles Galore - NA Server
gwadzila's Forum Avatar
May 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2011 6:13am | Report
OK first off, just so you know, I can't mentor you. I theorycraft, but I'm really not that good of a player.

With Irelia, you are going to want a solo lane, if possible. This means one less champion for you to deal with and an easier time farming. If you're really having trouble last hitting, practice in some co-op games or in a custom (What I'm currently doing in HoN =P). Last hitting is waaaaay too important to not be good at it. IF you're having trouble with harass, Philosopher's stone becomes your savior. Health Regen, Mana Regen, and extra gold to make up for missed last hits? HALLELUJAH! You probably know this already, but on Irelia Bladesurge is great for last hitting. When you get a Sheen, your damage goes through the roof and means that Bladesurge is a TON easier to last hit with. This is why I try to get one as early in the laning phase as possible.

If you're having trouble mid game, feel free to keep farming. If your team needs you, help them, but otherwise always be split pushing or grabbing jungle creeps.

Leona is a different story-You don't want to be getting last hits on her (unless you're solo laning). You should only try and get the last hits your lane partner can't, and use that money to buy gold per 5 items (Heart of Gold, Philo Stone). This will mean you won't be too far behind, but your carry will be ahead because of all the extra farm they got. With Leona (like most support/tanks) your core build is very small. Some form of Tenacity, (Merc Treads suggested) Gold per 5 items, and Aegis of the Legion. This item... Oh man. Great Aura, Nice stats, cheap as hell. There's nothing not to love about it. When you have all of these items, you should just get situational ones (MR against lots of casters, etc. etc.).

I hope I helped, hope I see you around the site.
Credit to jhoijhoi for this intense battle.
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Poke My Ballz
Poke My Ballz's Forum Avatar
Aug 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2011 11:34pm | Report
Willing to give this a shot, maybe you can message me in LoL.
IGN: Poke My Ballz

yes those spaces are in my name
hop to see you sometime :]
JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 12:19am | Report
I cant really explain how to play irelia, but you can add me and we can talk sometime :)

Irelia's probably one of my favorite characters in this game, and from the last hitting part, generally, you want solo lane, but if you have duo, its okay as well. The most important thing is that you understand what each character does so you can understand what the opponent can do to counter or harass you. Early game, you really just want to anticipate the enemy's every move so you dont become underfarmed and over harassed. Once you get philo stone, mercs, and sheen, you're good to go. Go read my irelia build if you want, I think it covers most of the items and etc. In terms of playstyle, all I can say is play more. After you have over 300 wins, You will have a full understanding of the game and what each character can do to you.

My LoL acc is the same as my moba acc.

Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2011 11:27am | Report
I can play the following quite well: Tristana, Nidalee, Irelia, Teemo, Malphite, Jungle Rammus, and a few others

I would feel most comfortable mentoring on Tristana and Nidalee, however I can provide build ideas for Irelia
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2011 2:17pm | Report
Add DuffTime in game, I'll help you work through laning phase and certain junglers.
Snuggles Galore
Snuggles Galore's Forum Avatar
Aug 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2011 10:54pm | Report
Thanks for the replies.

I've finally hit 30, been slowly building up my runes. With hints of upcoming nerfs on Irelia (possible reduction to Hiten(again just word of mouth here)) I've some what given up on her. As for tanking I've gotten that down pretty well.

The biggest sticking issue has been laning.. The whole lane phase just puts me back and I almost always become useless for the rest of the game. I can mid fairly well. It's a one on one situation that is much easier to handle. When it comes down to duo lanes. I have to fight against two enemies and my lane partner. (typically in normals -- haven't done ranked) So I often get paired up with a second DPS or even a carry. Second is getting last hits. I've been aiming for 100 CS by or at the 15 minute mark. When I mid, I can get to that or come just under it. When I have to duo it's not uncommon to go under 30. What slows me down in duo lanes (mostly as a melee champ) is when the other team has casters and or ranged champs. They can just sit back and push. The second you get close to a last hit. They're both on you.

So far for any situation the champ I have the most success with in laning with has been Yorick.

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