Hi, I'm TheNamelessBard on NA.
I main supports, my favorites being Soraka and Taric. I also play Karma (who is somewhere between an AP carry and a support).
Add me, and we can play together, if you like.
I main supports, my favorites being Soraka and Taric. I also play Karma (who is somewhere between an AP carry and a support).
Add me, and we can play together, if you like.
hmm... you can add me if you want, too. My ign is the same as my moba name. I usually only log on sometime between 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. pst, tho.
as per your question, there's only so much cs (minion kills aka money) in lanes, having two people farm bot is less useful. It's better to have 1 fully farmed carry and a support than 2 halfway farmed carries. Supports as characters are chosen for this role primarily because they bring utility to the team, and this utility is not greatly affected by farm. Janna is probably a particularly good example of this. Her tornado knocks people up, regardless of ap. her ult is the same way. She has a decent time escaping from danger. Her shield is awesome, but it disappears rather quickly, so putting AP onto it may soak up a lot of damage, but not forever.
However, heal is usually common on the bottom lane, simply because it makes laning and letting your carry get fed a LOT easier. Basically, if your carry sucks at farming (which can happen when you just hit lvl 30 and at lower elos), being a support really doesn't help nearly as much as being another carry who could use the farm. :P Maybe that's your problem.
as per your question, there's only so much cs (minion kills aka money) in lanes, having two people farm bot is less useful. It's better to have 1 fully farmed carry and a support than 2 halfway farmed carries. Supports as characters are chosen for this role primarily because they bring utility to the team, and this utility is not greatly affected by farm. Janna is probably a particularly good example of this. Her tornado knocks people up, regardless of ap. her ult is the same way. She has a decent time escaping from danger. Her shield is awesome, but it disappears rather quickly, so putting AP onto it may soak up a lot of damage, but not forever.
However, heal is usually common on the bottom lane, simply because it makes laning and letting your carry get fed a LOT easier. Basically, if your carry sucks at farming (which can happen when you just hit lvl 30 and at lower elos), being a support really doesn't help nearly as much as being another carry who could use the farm. :P Maybe that's your problem.
Well the support is pretty easy , DONT FARM , DONT STEAL KILLS, NO WHINING WHEN UR ALLY STEALS KILLS, NO LAST HIT (OH WAIT THATS PART OF FARMING), HEAL LIKE HELL. Pretty much waht a support does:3. oh yeah and he lands CC:3
Thanks to Plickz and Alexanpt for the awesome Sigs!
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I've recently reached 30, and lately ive played alot of support champs. However, even in games I do pretty well, i still feel like, wait, wouldn't this game be even more lopsided if i was just another carry or dps? I want to learn how to really play the support role well. If anyone would like to play together let me know.