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***Mordekaiser Mentoring Available!*** Become...

Creator: zeusmastr2 August 31, 2011 5:12pm
zeusmastr2's Forum Avatar
Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 31, 2011 5:12pm | Report
Hellooo!! I'm willing to help out each and every Morde player! Whether your new to Morde, thinking of buying him, or Just want Overall Bad-***ness!!

My Preferences are that You have Skype, although its not a requirement. If you lag often, you won't have much fun, So then don't come to me and then whine about "I KEEP DYING YOU ARE BAD MENTOR!!!" Also, You've got to have Morde if you expect me to help you in game. You cant learn how to play one character whil you're playing another

My IGN is zeusmastr2
My Skype is austin_mcmann
Friday nights (Eastern U.S time, I live in Florida) will be the nights I'll be able to talk over skype. I have homework during the week
If you need to contact me in some other form, other then here, skype, and LoL, then email me

Contact me, and Join the fun!
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 11:06pm | Report
a level 14 player shouldn't be a mentor

Mordekaiser the metallic nightmare RIFT, thank you JEFFY40HANDS for this awesome signature

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