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Need help with ranked 5v5 composition.

Creator: MxoxoSSG February 29, 2012 8:27am
MxoxoSSG's Forum Avatar
Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2012 8:27am | Report
Hey, I realise that you won't be able to give me a set 5s comp that will work game in game out. I understand that. I'm aware of how draft pick works too - please read on though, we need some help - we haven't actually got a clan member at level 30 yet, but when we hit ranked we want to be able to step up.

Firstly, what is the meta at the moment in terms of team set up? My current understanding is very simple - solotop (often AD carry), solomid (mage/ap carry), jungler, and two bottom (again, currently I am assuming that your tank/support combo go here with the support feeding the tank KS).

Is that close? Is there not really a meta? Is it too dependant on champs to say?

Our two most consistent players play Udyr (jungle) and Sion (solotop). We also have a Morgana solomid and Tryndamere bottom.

I then usually try and fill the gap - often with Soraka to team with Tryn at bottom - leaving him to get all KS and gold etc.

As a bit of a side note, I think I am going to try and take support as my main role to help some of the weaker members of the team - who teams well with Soraka? Or pehaps more specifically, what kind of abilities/stats should I be looking for in a solid partner?

And just finally, sorry for the wall, what is generally accepted as a good duo-queue combination when aiming to take your solo/duoqueue as high as possible? Support/AD ranged or something?

Thanks so much in advance :)
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2012 9:04am | Report
The meta at the moment is:

Tanky Dude top
AP mid
AD Carry and Support bot
Tanky Dude jungle

Send Tryndamere top instead of bot and use a ranged AD bot instead of Sion and your team is solid. Or you could keep Sion top and just swap Tryndamere for a ranged AD. I would say Tryndamere is better than Sion though.

Soraka works well with mana-dependant carries who like to use skills to harass and/or prefer not to go for kills on opponents and just farm instead. She is good against opponents who like to harass a lot because her heal basically nullifies all harass.
MxoxoSSG's Forum Avatar
Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2012 10:27am | Report
thanks :)

what champions (or again, more specifically what kind of abilities/styles) would you say to look out for when we're draft picking? i.e. what should we ban? :D

thanks again
Kantelar's Forum Avatar
Jan 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2012 10:43am | Report
I like fiddlesticks in the jungle too. He can gank at lvl 3 with blue/red... flash, fear, bird and drain = first blood xD

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