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Need Riven Advice

Creator: Predacon November 29, 2015 9:57pm
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Predacon's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2015 9:57pm | Report
I'm far from a new player, but hopefully this is the right section for this kind of thread.

So I've played Riven for quite a while now, she is my main champ, and I'm struggling really hard to have an impact in my games. I feel I used to do decent in season 3, but now doesn't seem to be the case. I'm only Gold IV, and struggling really hard to climb with Riven.

I've got all her normal mechanic stuff down natural, animation cancel, wall hop, doublecasting etc, but I feel I'm really doing no damage. Even if I win my lane, I can't seem to impact teamfights much aside from clean up, and my damage is always one of the lowest of the game in stats after it ends.

When the mid/late game hits, tanks can just walk all over me because I can't hurt them, and flashing the backline is only an option some of the time.

I've messed with TP versus Ignite, and TP seems to be the better option to try to support botlane.

I've watched a lot of Boxbox and BestRivenNA, but can't seem to make those kind of plays quite yet except during the laning phase.

Right now sitting at a 45.5% winrate with Riven

I'm running 12-18-0, Thunderlord 45% CDR Riven at the moment, which seems be the standard choice right now.

Runes are 13 damage, 9 armor, 10% CDR.

I'm really looking for tips and advice of any kind to get me out of this rut.

Humble Riven Main
Roxil's Forum Avatar
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Dec 11th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2015 4:37pm | Report
Here is my advice from what I have read here (I apologize for the wall of text)

I personally went through a very similar problem around this level and what I found with my main champion was that after going through this problem my friends had told me to try playing different champions from time to time and expand my champion pool a bit. Now at the time I thought their advice was silly, but did it anyway. Now I do understand what they are saying and I advise you to do the same. You would not be playing other champions to climb though you are learning how they work, how they play, getting a feel for their abilities what they can really do. When you are learning about other champions by playing them this indirectly helps you improve on Riven. If you plan to become one of the best Riven players out there contrary to what a lot of people believe you can't just only play the one champion sadly xD.

As for some of the other things you noted on you talked about how you watch Boxbox and BestRivenNA. Don't get me wrong this is very good and you are getting information from people who are better than you but I would suggest watching their streams from a different perspective than I am assuming you currently are. You noted how you can't make the plays like they do and can only do them in lane. I don't think this should be your focus, when you are trying to make the epic plays that these guys do on stream you will find yourself trapped in a hole when you play and if you make the plays that you mentioned that is the way you will carry majority of your games. This is inconsistent because unless you are legitimately perfect at this game no one can sadly make these plays every single game.

What I suggest instead focusing on is what you can do each game that is consistent. Like getting good cs scores, focusing on how to win lanes not just by kills but by gold, not trying to make plays in team fights but being content with doing what you need to such as picking off targets such as the enemy mid or adc. Don't get me wrong this doesn't mean you shouldn't be looking for a chance to make plays, always look for them, but only take the ones you are confident you can pull off. It is better to have a small advantage that grows over time then take a percentage chance to lose all of your advantage.

A great example of another thing you can do if ahead in top lane was popularized by Westrice and other top laners on Riven. (He was known for this around season 1-2.) This is Where you split push top with two wards in their jungle at all times (usually at the entrance to their jungle past raptors and near red buff) and force their team to react and send more then one person to you. While this happening if you are fed enough you can try to outplay them while you get your team to get objectives on the other side of the map or you can get away because of your wards and waste their time still letting your team get ahead gold wise because they will out number the opponents down there.

Now while I am on the topic of split pushing while pulling it off make sure you are communicating with your team. This is the biggest mistake a lot of players will make, to make sure your team takes advantage of there being more than one person top while they are in another lane you need to tell them to do this. While this is happening one of two things will happen. The first is they send someone else or even two to the three people top at which point you either fight or run or they send no one. In the state where they send no one put pressure on the enemy top laner until they are forced to keep pushing them under tower and forcing them further back. Be careful not to over extend without wards while doing this. This strategy revolves around good map awareness as to where the enemy team is.

All up I think your rune and mastery setup is good and I am sorry if I assumed the wrong things off of what I read. I hope my advice helps you climb your way up the ladder. If you have any questions about what I said do not be afraid to contact me along with if you think something I said was incorrect let me know at the end of the day we are all here to learn and improve from each others advice :3 Thanks for reading and good luck!

Predacon's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2016 4:14am | Report
All very solid advice, will be taking into consideration everything you said.

Sorry for the late reply.

Spiltpushing is probably something I don't try to do enough, usually I try to go around the map spreading my advantage, but will try it more often when I can and let my team know. It's especially hard now though with the removal of stealth wards.

Humble Riven Main
Ixtellor's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2016 6:56am | Report
I just recently heard lastshadow9, maybe the best lol coach in the game, say that at your level basically just farm and stay top. He also advises against playing Riven at that level. I think he was suggesting that Riven is good when you play it like BestRivenNA, but for everyone else there are far better champs.

He said at this level, just ignore your team completely and do your own thing top. I know this works for Nasus mains at this level, so if your snowballing your self, just snowball right into the top inhib.

I'm only Gold V and today I'm not scared of Riven players at all.
I used to care about KDA, now I care about CS and Objectives.

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