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Creator: Takezou2600 June 8, 2018 3:54pm
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Takezou2600's Forum Avatar
Jun 8th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2018 3:54pm | Report
I've been playing League since November of last year. I wasn't even good at it until about a week ago when I started maining Master Yi and Brand. One game I snowballed with Yi and another game, I snowballed with Brand along two teammates. I was confident enough to try ranked. When I did so, things took a 180 and I have started playing poorly. I looked into what is called ranked anxiety, which appears to be what I have. How long will it take until this anxiety goes away?
GaraldBuster's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 21, 2018 2:39am | Report
Ranked anxiety will go away once you understand the how the ranks work and how to play in ranked matches. There is a list of things you can focus on to climb the rank ladder faster in League of Legends.

But most importantly, practice makes perfect. Whatever tips and tricks you read/hear practicing those tips consistently is what will help you improve the most.

Hope this was helpful.
It's a shame. I've got two fists, but you've only got one face.
Zandesh's Forum Avatar
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May 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2018 10:06am | Report
League of Legends as with any game of competitive nature has a mental aspect to it, that most people seem to disregard.

With that being said, ranked anxiety comes from individual standpoints, some are afraid they get destroyed every game, and are afraid of being blamed every time, others are afraid of ranked because they don't feel confident on x champions, to compete in ranked.

There'll never be a universal answer to this, nor do we have enough information to actually be able to guide you
However, what you can do in your preparation for your ranked journey is. Be mentally prepared, and I can't stress this enough.

What do I mean by that?

You should be able to mentally focus through the entire duration of the game, no distractions, don't play ranked if you know you got some important things to do irl, if you're having a bad day, avoid ranked.

Don't focus on how everyone else but yourself is performing, you can't control the 9 other summoners behavior on the rift, but you can control your own.

Select a few champions that you spam and endless amount of games with, so you feel confident on what you can and what you can't in any given situation.

These basic tips will take you far :)

Good luck on the rift.
davisondaisy's Forum Avatar
Jul 26th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2018 4:06am | Report
Qwerty19's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 29, 2018 10:59am | Report
When I first started playing ranked I had ranked anxiety too, you don't want to lose games because it affects your lp and overall ranking in the game. Obviously, you don't want to lose so you end up putting more pressure on yourself to play better in ranked games because they matter more. This is actually the opposite of what you should do. Ranked games are no different than normals, they are the same game and if you are relaxed and having fun while staying focused you will perform more consistently and better in my opinion. Also realize that you won't win every game and to not get too worked up over each individual loss, the best thing you can do is evaluate why you lost and what you can do differently to change the outcome next time.

Final tip that one of my friends gave me is this: If you have ranked anxiety relax this is a video game not real life and odds are you're not good enough to be lcs or a streamer anyway so have fun playing the game and stop worrying so much!
Traibowguides's Forum Avatar
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Sep 2nd, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2018 10:15am | Report
If you wait about 30-45 min after a game your mind will reset and the anxiety will go away. (spend those 30-45 minutes away from league related stuff to reset your mind)
Instagram: @Traibowlol

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