Hi, my nickname in League of Legends is dynamolit and my first game that was kinda like LOL, but i played it a LONG time ago so i wouldn't actually know if they are alike, i think i've read that they are differente kind, but anyway, my first was WORLD OF WARCRAFT, i loved that game, but enough with the boring shait.
I started playing LOL this year at the end of April, i think, played Dota 2 also before, but it was 2 years ago and i changed my way of playing in two years, maybe it fits me better now, i don't know, but since i started playing LoL, i loved it, yes, it was nothing like Dota 2, it was EASIER no doubts, hands down, but anyway.. What is my point with all this?
I wanna know specially from the people who have been playing LoL for a LOOONG time who they think RIGHT NOW are the most succesfull champions, and i mean the ones who punch and hit the most damage, if you need to add Yi and Teemo, do it, not so sure about Teemo but wel.. YOU TELL ME.
[quote=DYNAMOLIT]Hi, my nickname in League of Legends is dynamolit and my first game that was kinda like LOL, but i played it a LONG time ago so i wouldn't actually know if they are alike, i think i've read that they are differente kind, but anyway, my first was WORLD OF WARCRAFT, i loved that game, but enough with the boring shait.
I started playing LOL this year at the end of April, i think, played Dota 2 also before, but it was 2 years ago and i changed my way of playing in two years, maybe it fits me better now, i don't know, but since i started playing LoL, i loved it, yes, it was nothing like Dota 2, it was EASIER no doubts, hands down, but anyway.. What is my point with all this?
I wanna know specially from the people who have been playing LoL for a LOOONG time who they think RIGHT NOW are the most succesfull champions, and i mean the ones who punch and hit the most damage, if you need to add Yi and Teemo, do it, not so sure about Teemo but wel.. YOU TELL ME.
THANKS A LOT![/quote]
to name a few. Nidalee is probably the hardest to use "properly".
LeBlanc and Zed for obvious reasons, but they're mostly single target.
[quote=NorthernRedStar][quote][b]the ones who punch and hit the most damage[/b][/quote]
to name a few. Nidalee is probably the hardest to use "properly".
[[LeBlanc]] and [[Zed]] for obvious reasons, but they're mostly single target.[/quote]
I started playing LOL this year at the end of April, i think, played Dota 2 also before, but it was 2 years ago and i changed my way of playing in two years, maybe it fits me better now, i don't know, but since i started playing LoL, i loved it, yes, it was nothing like Dota 2, it was EASIER no doubts, hands down, but anyway.. What is my point with all this?
I wanna know specially from the people who have been playing LoL for a LOOONG time who they think RIGHT NOW are the most succesfull champions, and i mean the ones who punch and hit the most damage, if you need to add Yi and Teemo, do it, not so sure about Teemo but wel.. YOU TELL ME.