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So I suck with Le Blanc

Creator: Huntchez July 19, 2011 6:08pm
Huntchez's Forum Avatar
Jul 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2011 6:08pm | Report
Something about her throw me off. I'm good with just about EVERY Assassin classed Champion but HER, and all because she's plays more like a mage than an Assassin, unlike that of Kassadin.

I'm aware of her W>Q>R Combo, but overall I just suck with ehr gameplay wise, not build wise.

In ganks, I can never get the last hit.
Early, Mid, and Late game my damage sucks, even with the Q and R combo.

I simply suck with Mages in General (Except Kassadin and Malzahar for some odd reason).

Any tips?
Neogrell's Forum Avatar
Mar 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2011 6:23pm | Report
Stop playing mages? ;D
No but you can practise against some AI's in bot games if you have not already done that, then you can get a better grasp of when to go in for the kill/ks if you do that,then again it's just bots so dunno if that will help much :/
just keep playing mages champs till you get the hang off it
Fist meets face
Rudmed's Forum Avatar
Dec 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2011 11:28pm | Report
Its because they are void mages, but I also play Leblanc.

Are you runed up correctly, because that can make a difference.

I personally do the Q>R>W>E the E only if they are not dead. Because the R has an increased trigger damage of the Q. Are you just not triggering her sigils, or are you leaving the chain's range after you hooked onto them?
Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2011 12:12am | Report

LeBlanc is completely dependant on out farming or outright killing her lane opponant so that she can snowball into that "I'm more farmed than you, so I'm just going to kill you with my combo" area.
Tri lane for life.
Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2011 5:52am | Report
Huntchez wrote:

Something about her throw me off. I'm good with just about EVERY Assassin classed Champion but HER, and all because she's plays more like a mage than an Assassin, unlike that of Kassadin.

I'm aware of her W>Q>R Combo, but overall I just suck with ehr gameplay wise, not build wise.

In ganks, I can never get the last hit.
Early, Mid, and Late game my damage sucks, even with the Q and R combo.

I simply suck with Mages in General (Except Kassadin and Malzahar for some odd reason).

Any tips?

She's DEFINITELY an assassin.

W > Q > R is a terrible combo - only ever do it if you're SURE you will get the kill when they're low.

Use Q > R > W > E (if they're not dead)

When LeB hits 6, you will be able to kill people from full to 0 unless they're bulky.

From 6 on, she kind of, deteriorates as the game goes on. A Banshee's Veil counters her completely and her damage REALLY sucks late game. She essentially is made to Q > R > W someone for the kill, they return with her W and not really do anything until her CDs are ready again.

She's kind of like poppy, she is a terrible farmer and laner, apart from the fact she can one burst people, with LeB being more bursty and poppy being a LITTLE more sustained.

Essentially, if you're not fed, you're useless late game. The thing is though, if you're not fed early game as LeB, you're doing something wrong. Play extremely aggressively and Q > W at level 2 - 6, that should take half the health off most squishies. They will fear coming near you, when they do, one burst them. This should let you get more last hits than them, hence, begin dominating the lane.
L1LShadow's Forum Avatar
Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 21, 2011 10:00am | Report
Instead of asking us what you're doing wrong, you should found out yourself. There are just some things you can tell us but we won't be able to help that much, not to mention finding it out yourself will actually help you more.

Exactly how much damage are you doing? Is it that you take 1/4 of their health in one burst and you think it's low? Maybe you take a large chunk out and because you don't kill them you think your damage is bad? In ganks you are not supposed to get the last hit unless it's coincidental or you ksed on purpose. Maybe you just need to hit the opponent with your W and E as well and not your Q and R. Maybe it is your build and you are not aware. Or it's just that you don't farm that much to get your build.

Early game she does a lot of damage, use this to your advantage and get kills. Mid game she will still do quite a bit of damage but you will only get about 2-3 bursts in one team fight. Late game, you might do less damage if enemies get magic resist items.

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