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Swain: Using a nevermove

Creator: FallenNecros March 6, 2012 4:03pm
FallenNecros's Forum Avatar
Mar 6th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2012 4:03pm | Report
As a swain player going solo mid in most of the games,I try to close in to the enemy and doing EQ Combo and landing the W but sometimes I have trouble landing W when the enemy is agile and they know how to dodge it since it has a clear warning. So I want to know how other fellow Swain players land their W, the nevermove.
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2012 4:16pm | Report
There's a whole bunch of leading involved. While a Q->W combo isn't the ideal, it certainly helps you land it.

Also, learning the delay timing helps a lot. If you learn to hit it, you can hit almost anything.
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Mar 6th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2012 4:23pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

There's a whole bunch of leading involved. While a Q->W combo isn't the ideal, it certainly helps you land it.

Also, learning the delay timing helps a lot. If you learn to hit it, you can hit almost anything.

Oh, okay thank you so much for the advice. (:

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