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4 v 5 we got carried so hard by Sarkan...

Creator: ShiftyCake July 7, 2012 6:35am

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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2012 6:35am | Report

we did, srs. Can't you tell, he's level 4 WHILE AFK. op.
Actually, I know him so it's cool.
There were several points in that match that I lol'd at. One was where they 5-man ganked me at like 10 mins and it took them half the map to kill me (and my team picked up 3 kills). like LOL.
Another was where I got 5-man ganked Again later in the match, ulted and flashed. Team pops in and gets the ace.
Another was where I baited them across the map so my team could take out their turrets at base. They then ran off, but still. op.
Yeah, it's premade. So I know everyone their.
Sarkan <.<
Also, my team kept fighting without me. No sharing they say, >.< not fair.

You guys had stuff like this happen to you? cause lol.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
The LZ
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Jul 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2012 7:37am | Report
Haha, those kind of matches are the best seriously.
I also once got chased ALL around the map, they were
relentless. I do mean all of the map.
"(Btw LZ, I read all of your posts like a poem because your paragraphs look like stanzas. It's rather amusing. :P)" - PsiGuard
"^ya same
why you write like that" - wRAthoFVuLK
"Why DO you write like that?" - Amazing Monkey
"Why do you write like that LZ?" - iownedya
"no-one knows, but it is unique.
An artist originalising his work,
per say. Yet what have I done,
I have copied his work.
It's probably wrong too, but lolz. Keep at it LZ, since it makes reading your posts interesting." - ShiftyCake
<Retired Admin>
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2012 9:12am | Report

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