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Android 5.0 L(ollipop?) - new camera API, focus...

Creator: Searz June 30, 2014 3:01pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2014 8:07am | Report

I read the whole thing. Android uses the Linux kernel. They could just pick an well tested and supported compiler for that platform and compile to all sorts of architectures, with all sorts of languages. As long as they create decent libraries for the GUI and stuff instead of whatever platform they have now. Now they find themselves with a homemade Java compiler(and all the **** that comes with it).

They're acting like compiling things once is one of the latest and greatest innovations :D

But the reason they chose Java is because it's easy to develop for. It takes away the burden of most low-level programming from the app and allows one set of code to run across multiple architectures. The main negative is that it runs slowly, but the upsides are massive.
So if that one big downside is solved then Java is almost the ideal language.
Why would they want any other languages?

Java seems to be a serious force going forward, I really need to jump on that train myself.

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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2014 9:33am | Report
I never seriously played with Java, so I can't make any comments on how easy it is to develop with. But I see it's used a lot and it's of course nice to have such a great amount of people knowing the language already. But the problem to me is not necessarily in the language(syntax) itself, but simply that I fear their platform/runtime sucks compared to other solutions. It's not like I've read through the source the other day, but I would've just done it differently(not referring to the code xD).

Code would still run across multiple architectures as long as you compile it for the architecture(which is what they'll be doing with ART anyway. Well they'll probably compile from platform-neutral bytecode so it'll take less time but still). Of course the needed resources have to be available but it's the same for a Java runtime.

I think they would want any other language for one reason: It doesn't require maintaining a whole interpreter/compiler platform. Google has awesome manpower and all but I still don't see them creating the perfect interpreter or compiler. All apps will be affected. Phones get stronger by the day but I still feel optimization is important. Low-level languages(though compiled != low-level imo) may take some more time but it will make things run faster. I wonder what will happen if Google puts all its time they put into that ART and stuff into optimizing their apps in a compiled language.

I'm okay with runtime languages on a phone. Yet I don't see why there is a need to do so much work for making a runtime language compiled if there already are other compiled languages available with less work, which they don't promote using(the NDK doesn't seem to be in the spotlight).
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2014 2:00pm | Report

Low-level languages may take some more time but it will make things run faster.

The important thing is where they take more time. Apps take longer to develop with low-level languages and that is something Google does not want. They want a platform that is easy to develop for and for that they are willing to put in a ton of work to make a traditionally slower language faster.
I'm okay with runtime languages on a phone. Yet I don't see why there is a need to do so much work for making a runtime language compiled if there already are other compiled languages available with less work

Reasons have been provided. Are they not good enough for you?
the NDK doesn't seem to be in the spotlight

Most demanding games and benchmarks are built with the NDK. But those aren't exactly a majority of the total apps.
That's where it's most needed though.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 6, 2014 11:28am | Report
Here's a summary of the entire I/O event if you're short on time:

And here's a bit more from the man himself (Matias Duarte) on Material Design:

Also, Cardboard, lol:
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 20, 2014 7:50am | Report
Rezzing this thread with a few examples of the design of the new apps:

The Chrome and Google Play updates have already landed and they're pretty great (Chrome still needs a bit of work tho IMO, why did you have to abandon the AOSP Browser Google, WHYYY!?).
Now we just gotta wait for the rest.
I love how they grab colors from the album art for the Music app. Looks fantastic.

And preliminary tests of battery life in Android L:
"Thirty-six percent more battery life. Installing the L preview on our Nexus 5 gave us two extra hours of runtime. These tests were done on a beat up, daily-driver phone, so the final numbers aren't necessarily indicative of what the L preview could achieve on a new device. It's the difference that matters."
As an owner of the Nexus 5 I'm very excited. I mean, while it isn't nearly as bad as the Nexus 4 or the Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4, it's still kinda meh.
36% extra battery life is amazing. That puts the phone almost on par with the heavy-hitters like LG G2 and Xperia Z2. (speaking of, the LG G2 will likely never see an update to Android L, LG suck at updating, boy am I glad I dodged that bullet)
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