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Blizzard Shuts down Nostalrius

Creator: Ninja Trigger April 11, 2016 5:44pm
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 5:44pm | Report
So Blizzard is in their legal right to do this and I understand that but it still sucks. I never played on Nostalrius or any private Vanilla WoW server, but I use to play World of Warcraft a lot back in the day, and I quit right before the released Cataclysm. Simply because the game just stopped being fun and they changed way to many things that I enjoyed.

I found about the shut down this morning from good old JonTorn in my youtube subscription feed, and while he does state several times that they are in their full legal right to shut it down. He also makes a ton of points as to why it should exist, rather it should by the fans, or an official legacy/vanilla server. At one point in the video jon shows a clip from a BlizzCon/Blizzard event, not really sure when/where it was, but it shows a fan asking a real question about Legacy servers, only to be completely shut down by a blizzard employee, I would describe it more detail but just watch it, basically customer service at it's absolute worst.

Just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were on the mater.
Shaddofokkusu's Forum Avatar
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Aug 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 8:04pm | Report
Personally I feel both parties are at fault. One Blizzard saying "No we don't want it" is a hugely wrong statement. Two nostalrius never asked if they had permission. Granted they probably never would have given them permission probably, but it's better to ask first rather than get sued over infringing rights. Something that both sides are wrong on though is acting on each other without asking anything or even communication of any kind. To just throw a legal document at someone without any words is kinda messed up, but they kinda asked for it by just hosting it and not saying a word.

There's definitely a market for past expansion servers. Many other games have done it such as Runescape just to name off the top of my head and they make a decent amount of money for it. Granted yes the upkeep of a RS server is different than that of one for World of Warcraft but there's also a much larger demand for past servers for World of warcraft so much so that it would be lucrative in the long haul.

I definitely think blizzard is in their right even if not legally since it is their game to say no, but again to tell us we don't want it is also just a huge unlitigated statement that it's not even funny. I would love to go back to burning crusade or lich king personally.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 8:49pm | Report
So it might be a perfectly legal move on Blizzard's side, but it doesn't mean it's good just because it's legal. Being an ******* is legal in many levels. I only have seen their answer to that one question, so I can't say if they were complete *******s about it, but by that video fragment it seems they are. If that's the case I can only hope it Fine Bros all over their faces.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 2:24am | Report
Tbh best thing Blizzard could've done in this case was keeping the server alive, but instead own it and let the current owner be a semi-employee. Any incomes (donations or anything) would go majorally to Blizzard. The server stays alive, people can still enjoy their own content and Blizzard still gets ownership of their copyrighted material. Everyone happy.
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Shaddofokkusu's Forum Avatar
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Aug 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 3:07am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:
Tbh best thing Blizzard could've done in this case was keeping the server alive, but instead own it and let the current owner be a semi-employee. Any incomes (donations or anything) would go majorally to Blizzard. The server stays alive, people can still enjoy their own content and Blizzard still gets ownership of their copyrighted material. Everyone happy.

This would have been best case scenario however again blizzard says" You don't want that. We know what you want!"
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 4:48am | Report
I'm actually really sad that I didn't get to play on this server. WoD just isn't doing it for me, and nostalrius sounds exactly what I would have enjoyed. I had an aversion to private servers because I thought most of them were largely inactive and were also paid subscription based
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Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2016 12:41pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
So it might be a perfectly legal move on Blizzard's side, but it doesn't mean it's good just because it's legal. Being an ******* is legal in many levels. I only have seen their answer to that one question, so I can't say if they were complete *******s about it, but by that video fragment it seems they are. If that's the case I can only hope it Fine Bros all over their faces.

I found this last night and I know that these videos are a little over done but this one just said it so well

utopus wrote:
I'm actually really sad that I didn't get to play on this server. WoD just isn't doing it for me, and nostalrius sounds exactly what I would have enjoyed. I had an aversion to private servers because I thought most of them were largely inactive and were also paid subscription based

I'm in the same boat as you I wish I would have known about this server, I played WildStar and loved it but the player base died fast and you need a lot of active players for it to be a true MMO, also I joined it mostly for the PvP and I just wasn't a fan of it.

I tried GuildWars2, and I feel bad since more then one of you from Mobafire gave me a lot of advice on how to play, sorry Alchemist, OTG, Masterer, NameLess, and whoever else wasted time trying to teach me how to play that game.

I also tried ArcheAge, and I loved so much about that game, the combat system, the class options, building your own house, and decent PvP but it was doomed by it's pay to win crafting system and pay for power items such as "want to craft more buy some potions, oh you didn't craft what you wanted buy some more in 12 hours and try again..." Rubbish complete and udder rubbish

I even went back and played OldSchool RuneScape for while since they do have some legacy servers, and the player base is enough that it still feels like OSRS. I had to make a new character which was cool and starting over was fun just to try completing all the non-member quests until I remembered the grind in OSRS was so bad that I could literally go back to college learn politics and run for president in the time it would take to max out everything in that game. Unless I wanted to become a filthy botter.
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