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[HOTS][Hero Concept]: Lana'thel, Blood-Queen of...

Creator: Silvi54 September 16, 2017 11:51pm
Silvi54's Forum Avatar
Aug 25th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2017 11:51pm | Report
Hey everyone, even though this is the off-topic section I still wanted to stay within the realm of moba's, so here is a hero concept for Blizzard's MOBA: Heroes of the Storm.

Watch the video to learn more:
About the Author: Hey all, I have been playing competitive MOBA/FPS of all types for many years now and have accumulated a lot of experience under my belt. Although, I've been writing and conceptualizing all kinds of stuff for those games, dating way back to 2014, I recently decided to create video Hero Concepts for a bunch of new games during my free time. I might create some textual concepts from time to time to keep things spicy. I am always looking to improve my stuff and appreciate any feedback you might have.

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