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Prismata - a hybrid strategy game created by...

Creator: Nagirte December 15, 2014 9:05am
Nagirte's Forum Avatar
Dec 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 9:05am | Report

If anyone here is a fan of strategy games then you really ought to check out Prismata, it's combines elements of CCGs, MOBAs and RTS' for one crazy mega strategy game.

The studio is comprised of a few developers including ex-MIT students so you know a lot of thought has gone into it.

They've got a newly-released demo and Kickstarter too!

I've added a few of the games features from their site below:
No real-time pressure. Prismata uses turn-based gameplay with a fast timer, but your dexterity will never hold you back.
No decks. The pool of units available for purchase is the same for both players and is chosen randomly at the beginning of the game. You'll never need to pay or grind in order to be competitive.
No randomness. No unlucky draws, no tournaments decided by coinflips.
No fog of war. You'll never lose to a rock-paper-scissors "build order victory" that you were unable to predict.
No fixed opening book. Prismata's random unit pools force you to plan a new build order every game. You can't memorize your way to victory.
No unit-on-unit combat. Combat math is greatly simplified but depth is preserved.
No map. We've found a way to emphasize the core economic and strategic ideas in RTS games without the cumbersome unit positioning found in other types of turn-based games.

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