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Crystal, The Psychotic Slayer

Creator: MyBloodisBlack January 18, 2014 4:06am
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 4:06am | Report

Crystal is a Hybrid Champion who focuses on engaging in solo battles and teamfights, with her Gunblade she can switch from being a dangerous Melee fighter to a Deadly ranged champion.

Crystal will be one of the fastest champion in League of Legends with a base movement speed of 350 plus her Q will give her up to 367.5.

I have tried to make it so its difficult to pull off her passive (mainly scoring a pentakill) but at the same time not impossible to achieve if you play her correctly.

I would say she is one of a few champions who could in theory work all lanes with success including Jungle, but I'd say she would dominate as a top laner mostly.

I am considering have her abilities damage being based on her AD/AP rather than the normal having a base damage and adding extra according to a percentage of her stat, this will make her a weak early gamer but a strong late gamer and would also have people working with her as a Hybrid to get the most out of her.

I am also tempted to do something unique and have her start with a balance mix of AD and AP as her Base, this would mean that she will have weak AA to start with but it would compensate the idea of only using her stats as her damage source and will mean at least her AP abilities will be able to do some kind of damage.

Please let me know what you think of the idea so far, please don't complain about the lack of a lore because I am trying to write that up but I am not a literal master seriously.


Passive:Killing Spree

After an Initial Kill or Assist, Crystal gains a boost to all of her stats equal to 5% per successful kill she makes or 2.5% per successful Assist she is a part of.
This stack will reset upon death or if Crystal is unable to score a Kill or Assist within 15 seconds.
If Crystal manages to score a Pentakill, the stack is automatically reset and she gains a permanent 10% increase to all her stats regardless of any future deaths.

R: Slash and Bang (active)

Crystal switches between the blade and the gun on her Gunblade

If she switches to the Blade she gains up to 20% of her AP as bonus AD
If she switches to the Gun she gains up to 20% of her AD as bonus AP

Q: Blade Frenzy/ Bullet Time (Passive)

Blade Frenzy: Gives you up to a bonus of 5% on your movement speed
Bullet Time: Gives you up to a bonus of 20% on your Attack Speed

W: Blunt Force Trauma (active)/ Explosive Impact (Passive)

Blunt Force Trauma: Crystal dives towards a target deals damage up to 160 + 60% of your AD to them then stuns any surrounding enemies in a small radius for up to 1 second.

Explosive Impact: Every 5th attack deals bonus true damage up to 10% (or 20% to minions or monsters) of your current AP

E: Blender Slicer (Passive/Active)/ Make the Shot (Active)

Blender Slicer:
[Passive]: Upon activating, Crytal gains a bonus 5% Critical Chance
[Active]: Crystal stands in one place and does a full 1080 (3 rotations), her attack range is increased by 25%, the damage is based on her AD up to 80% and all hits can be Critical strikes.

Make the Shot: Lining up, Crystal fires a massive shot that deals damage based on up to 40% of her AD and 40% of her AP, the shot can hit as many minions within range but will stop once it connects with a enemy champion.
The Damage this causes decreases by 20% per every target hit on route (i.e. If you are have 100 damage and two targets it will do 100 then 80 to the next target)
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 4:28pm | Report


Crystal is a Hybrid Champion

this is your third "hybrid" champion design please stop trying to make hybrid champions there are only 4ish now (jax, kayle, akali, and now eve after her E change) and all of your ideas for hybrid champions have been stupidly overpowered or just...not good at all...OH AND ITS A STANCE CHANGER THIS WILL BE GOOD

Passive:Killing Spree

After an Initial Kill or Assist, Crystal gains a boost to all of her stats equal to 5% per successful kill she makes or 2.5% per successful Assist she is a part of.
This stack will reset upon death or if Crystal is unable to score a Kill or Assist within 15 seconds.
If Crystal manages to score a Pentakill, the stack is automatically reset and she gains a permanent 10% increase to all her stats regardless of any future deaths.

remove the pentakill thing its dumb, also why the **** is it a boost to all of her stats? why not just one stat or two? letting her get a ton of perma bonuses and extra bonuses is stupid, ability resets make sense but getting a ton of bonus stats for getting an assist is dumb

maybe give her some bonus AD and AP when she gets a kill or assist for a short time and remove the pentakill portion?

R: Slash and Bang (active)

Crystal switches between the blade and the gun on her Gunblade

If she switches to the Blade she gains up to 20% of her AP as bonus AD
If she switches to the Gun she gains up to 20% of her AD as bonus AP

im assuming this is like jayceish ult so you get it at level 1? if so take away the bonus stats, they took away the mr and armor from other ult stance changes so why would yours get more bonus stats combined with the stupid stats from passive? why not make it like jayce's and make it be some kind of on-hit thing for the next attack

Q: Blade Frenzy/ Bullet Time (Passive)

Blade Frenzy: Gives you up to a bonus of 5% on your movement speed
Bullet Time: Gives you up to a bonus of 20% on your Attack Speed

oh look more bonus stats! question why dont these passives scale with levels? there is no point to even level these up because its just a flat passive

make them actives, maybe make the melee form remove slows and do something like 5/10/15/20/25% for the melee (5% MS boost on an active is low) and 10/20/30/40/50% (sort of like tristanas but lowered numbers due to the stupid stats she gets from passive R and Q so far)

W: Blunt Force Trauma (active)/ Explosive Impact (Passive)

Blunt Force Trauma: Crystal dives towards a target deals damage up to 160 + 60% of your AD to them then stuns any surrounding enemies in a small radius for up to 1 second.

Explosive Impact: Every 5th attack deals bonus true damage up to 10% (or 20% to minions or monsters) of your current AP

oh look an AoE stun, do these skills not scale with level either? make the stun single target since its also a gap closer, make the damage scale, as for the explosive impact make the true damage scale and make it an active

E: Blender Slicer (Passive/Active)/ Make the Shot (Active)

Blender Slicer:
[Passive]: Upon activating, Crytal gains a bonus 5% Critical Chance
[Active]: Crystal stands in one place and does a full 1080 (3 rotations), her attack range is increased by 25%, the damage is based on her AD up to 80% and all hits can be Critical strikes.

Make the Shot: Lining up, Crystal fires a massive shot that deals damage based on up to 40% of her AD and 40% of her AP, the shot can hit as many minions within range but will stop once it connects with a enemy champion.
The Damage this causes decreases by 20% per every target hit on route (i.e. If you are have 100 damage and two targets it will do 100 then 80 to the next target)

so why say its a passive if the passive only works when you use the active effect? why not just say "Crystal channels for X seconds spinning her blade granting her X crit dealing X damage per second, this damage can crit"

that being said the ability is kinda lame, CCing yourself to do something garen can do while moving is lame

as for the other part of the ability im kind of ok with that one other than the ap scaling

overall this is a champion with 1 active ability in her ranged form (oh boy everyone is going to love that fun gameplay its somehow less involved than warwick!) giving her stupid invisible power, so many bonus stats in gun form including true damage, AS, and bonus AP(?!? i guess its ok cuz E scales with ap but why) and a melee form that gives an AoE one second stun and a whatever second love baby between a garen spin and katarina ult (im a hybrid champion that has to build ap and ad to work correctly so dont mind me spinning with my bad range with no defensive items)

sooooo another lame champion idea

seriously stop making hybrid stance changer champions with so much invisible power, invisible power is something riot hates in their games because it has no counterplay so STOP DOING IT
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 3:06am | Report
Dillbutt I have always wanted to ask you this... Has there EVER been a champion idea you actually didn't ridicule? if so please show me
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 4:19am | Report
To be honest, Dillbutt is right. The champ design is just weird, no offense. Permastat bonus is just something that 's hard to balance, and in design it definitely isn't. Other than that, it doesn't really look like you made some kind of combo's in the champion kit, for example, Leona's Zenith Blade + Shield of Daybreak, imo you just putted some random scaling numbers for some random abilities and that's pretty much it. Also having 2 skills that only gives passives or switches weapons is just plain boring, as you only have two skills (and some random 1080 degress spin?) left to actually make some certain plays with it.

Basically, it's not Dillbutt ridiculing you... your champion design just has a lot of flaws. If you want to become better into this, I'd highly suggest to look at what the other champions have, and what makes them so fun to play, without even being OP.
nog even kort samengevat: een lampje is voor dove mensen, een ratelapparaat voor blinden. het mooiste is natuurlijk een combinatie van beide: een lampje met een ratelapparaat, voor het geval er iemand langskomt die blind én doof is.
<Inhouse Addict>
Hannul's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 9:18am | Report
Make it more item dependent on the skills and make her like a Yasuo early game or something and I dunno about the passive. maybe +1 AD AP and MS per kill/assists? Shrug. Not armor or MR because that would reward you far too much for killing people, but the stacked MS with a trinity force could help you escape/make plays...if you have kills/assists.

Basically how I play LoL
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 11:37am | Report

Dillbutt I have always wanted to ask you this... Has there EVER been a champion idea you actually didn't ridicule? if so please show me

not really because most fan made champion ideas are either hideously overpowered or dont even make sense at all, im sure there are some out there that are balanced and have a kit that feels good but i have yet to see one
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
ZeUnit's Forum Avatar
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Jul 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2014 9:46am | Report

don't complain about the lack of a lore because I am trying to write that up but I am not a literal master seriously.

not a literal master

I think you meant "I'm not a literary master" XD

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