Is that a full build? It seems like your average AD bruiser Quinn build.
Dead Man's Plate doesn't apply the slow on Quinn. I get it that you buy it for the movement speed, but I wouldn't do it (it might work though, since it's like a more polarized version of Mobility Boots).
Also Trinity Force and Black Cleaver have overlapping unique passives (because both are built from Phage), so I would drop Black Cleaver, maybe for a Sterak's Gage, since you don't have a way to abuse the armor shred.
Other than that I can't help much, the build seems generic, so you might as well use the consensus build (check whatever the pros are building or read some in depth guide).
Dead Man's Plate doesn't apply the slow on Quinn. I get it that you buy it for the movement speed, but I wouldn't do it (it might work though, since it's like a more polarized version of Mobility Boots).
Also Trinity Force and Black Cleaver have overlapping unique passives (because both are built from Phage), so I would drop Black Cleaver, maybe for a Sterak's Gage, since you don't have a way to abuse the armor shred.
Other than that I can't help much, the build seems generic, so you might as well use the consensus build (check whatever the pros are building or read some in depth guide).
At most; Sterak's Gage, Maw of Malmortius or MAYBE Randuin's Omen (and that's overdoing it a bit, honestly) for "tanky items". [[Quinn] used to do better with these kinds of builds when she could kamikaze bird into a carry and eliminate them, but now shes more of a roamer and duelist, so stick to the damage items.
Did DMP even exist with old Quinn? Probably woulda worked back then for Valor, but now, it's passive is just MS.
Did DMP even exist with old Quinn? Probably woulda worked back then for Valor, but now, it's passive is just MS.
Maw of Malmortius is practically required on AD Bruisers now, and it's easy to see why: crazy shield, resists plus tons of damage. Ghostblade is honestly almost overkill, but despite being pure offense the pen and short burst of attack speed are highly synergistic on Bruisers (see: pantheon). Armor itemization sucks on AD bruisers, so you could try ninja tabi or Randuin's to shut down pesky ADC's. I don't recommend slow items, because you're already so fast; I actually really like the sound of Tri-force but you'd have to Tri it yourself. Finally, Death's Dance is better for tanky duelists (see: Graves) because of CDR and healing on abilities. Good luck!
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[*] Dead Man's Plate
[*] Guardian Angel
[*] The Bloodthirster
[*] Frozen Mallet
[*] Trinity Force
[*] The Black Cleaver
Preferably In this choice of items I wouldn't use boots and replace the boots with Dead Man's Plate. However I would also take Ghost In case of Emergencies from being slower.