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How you would rework the Mages

Creator: NicknameMy April 3, 2016 3:02am
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2016 3:02am | Report
So, Riot confirmed that Malzahar, Vel'Koz, Brand, Vladimir, Cassiopeia, and Zyra. Pick one and tell me, how you would rework them. Here is my version of Malzahar:
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2016 1:59pm | Report
I won't go down to that level of detail, but for Zyra, I would like there to be a way for her to counter all the dashes that make it so easy to dodge her snare and get to her. Some sort of small ability that knocks back enemies in melee range back about 300 units which then let's her throw out her snare. Right now, guys like Master Yi can get to Zyra with impunity with no way to counter them other than hoping you're fed enough that a mash keyboard spell combo is enough to get the mutual 1 for 1 kill.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2016 2:36pm | Report
I wouldn't. I would give minor tweaks to 1 ability on each at best, balance the remainder of the kit around the changes (more or less damage, more or less cooldowns) and look at itemization which is the real problem right now.

They're going to make the same mistake they did with the marksman patch: revamp items and champs at the same time, disregarding fan base and players. Balance will be completely ****ed even after pbe shows why balance is ****, because pbe doesn't exist to balance new stuff, only old one.

I might quit after patch 6.9, almost everything I read about it disgusts me. Also, statements they made like "Malzahar itineration of W E R killing a target without response feels wrong" only shows their ignorance. Barring assassins, there are many champs that can kill you in one rotation without you being able to do anything, namely Syndra, Veigar, Lux, Annie, Viktor, Brand.

@NicknameMy: I read 2 second stun, rolled my eyes and stopped reading.
<Inhouse Regular>
DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2016 4:12pm | Report
yh manaless malzahar sounds great and healthy for the game as if he's not ebola enough the way he is currently
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2016 8:15pm | Report
Yeah, and voidlings that move at exactly double Malzahars speed once you hit 1000 AP. That sounds good.
Also "voidlings are now ignored by jungle monsters"


As for my rework, I'd give Vlad mana, buff his healing to make up for Spell vamp, and leave everything else the same.

Basically MOBAFire.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 2:38am | Report
The problem with Malzahar is that his kit is great for deleting people, but at the same time he has to be in a reasonably short range and has no abilities that allow him to move around easily, meaning that he would often die before he can even finish his ultimate. Mana and a lack of CC were not his issues /at all/. This only makes his strong sides stronger and lets him keep his weak sides. The only thing I actually found noteworthy was the ultimate.

The main things I think should change with Malzahar is his role in general. He shouldn't be an assassin that deletes people, he should be a void lord summoning loads of voidlings and a dominator in teamfights. So what would be more interesting I think would be if the following spells changed:

P: Still triggers when it does now. Instead of having a small pet, it be a zz'rot-like pet that straight goes for the target hit and explodes dealing instant magic damage. This would then deal a bit of magic damage but will also restore a bit of health to Malzahar.
W: No longer deals this much % health damage as it is quite rediculous. Instead when you stand close to or on the circle, voidlings come out and have the same effect as the passive's, instead will also apply spell effects. Obviously will still only give one stack for P.
R: It has to be completely reworked. I myself think something like a mix between Karma, Heimer and Ryze ult would fit, so that you have an upgraded version of all your spells. Eg E hits 3 targets now per cast, W spawns more voidlings and for longer range and each spell triggers the passive instead of each 4. This would truly make him feel more of a void lord instead of a wannabe assassin.

About the other champs; I have no clue how they will change Velkoz and Vladimir since I think they are fine.
Brand and Zyra though are really easily caught off position and are usually just instamurdered. Would be nice if they have more tools to deal with this.
Cassiopeia is a bit eh early game, but once she keeps on rolling and hits her poisons she absolutely murders people. I don't think this is toxic though since she can also be caught off position easier as well. However, she has more tools to deal with it, her Q giving bonus movement speed and her W usually make it easy enough to kite. The only thing that I do think is a problem though is her ultimate because it is gimmicky af. I think it would be much better if it stuns people reliably for 1 second rather than hoping for a 2 second stun. 30% bonus ability power from a passive is also a bit rediculous, could also be tuned down a tad.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Bludes
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FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 7:24am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:
The problem with Malzahar is that his kit is great for deleting people, but at the same time he has to be in a reasonably short range and has no abilities that allow him to move around easily, meaning that he would often die before he can even finish his ultimate. Mana and a lack of CC were not his issues /at all/. This only makes his strong sides stronger and lets him keep his weak sides. The only thing I actually found noteworthy was the ultimate.

The main things I think should change with Malzahar is his role in general. He shouldn't be an assassin that deletes people, he should be a void lord summoning loads of voidlings and a dominator in teamfights.

This only proves there's a general misconception of Malzahar's role in a team. He isn't an assassin or a person deleter, he's a generally dominant laner or good in 1v1 scenarios vs champs who lack cleansing items/abilities due to lockdown, but he is first and foremost an AoE mage with strong anti-engage or followup qualities. This is easily seen by the average damage graphs from Malzahar players, which usually tower over the rest of his team mates. And there's plenty of other mages who can quickly become dominant in lane as I said on my first post.

His Q is a strong poke tool lategame due to raw damage, Rilay's + MS boots/Sorcs with Alacrity + Luden's give him an overall good amount of ap and incredible self-peel + catch potential. He thrives at stopping engages by silencing + slowing the followup while casting W + R on the main engager, allowing his team to quickly melt through tanks or divers who expect to give enough time for his team to followup. The whole "Malzahar should flash + ult the enemy carry" is the stupidiest misconception of all, assuming you simply immobilize yourself into 4 other people and not expect to be bursted down or see your ult canceled (not to mention QSS is a very popular item on AD damage builders nowadays).

The most lackluster aspect of his kit are the voidlings, which become negligible midgame+ if you're AP. But I'm glad you brough the "he's an assassin" thing up Mejij, because this is exactly what Riot thinks and unfortunately they're as good evaluating what champs do as they are at reworking them without making them complete **** or broken, with very few success cases.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 9:33am | Report
Remove all AP items and make their abilities scale with a mixture of attack speed, mana regen and general cringe. Furthermore they should all have a gimmicky minigame which not only makes you feel stupid but makes you do stupid as well, keeping your attention off an enjoyable, intellectually challenging game of league of legends and into a pit of despair created by Riot to sell you more skins.

Something like that.

Oh also their ultimates make them invulnerable and they can easily traverse terrain because walls and ledges are for old champions.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 9:39am | Report
Remove all AP items and make their abilities scale with a mixture of attack speed, mana regen and general cringe. Furthermore they should all have a gimmicky minigame which not only makes you feel stupid but makes you do stupid as well, keeping your attention off an enjoyable, intellectually challenging game of league of legends and into a pit of despair created by Riot to sell you more skins.

Something like that.

Oh also their ultimates make them invulnerable and they can easily traverse terrain because walls and ledges are for old champions.

Best tl;dr I've seen but, in alternative to making them manaless they should just have negligible manacosts that makes them able to spam their abilities regardless of consequences, and when you think they're oom they can still dash into you, do true damage and heal off of you.
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 10:19am | Report
Oh, yes, that's a good one. Wouldn't want our mini games to stop halfway.

By the way, I have just received a job offer from Riot to lead their new design team that's going to tackle this rework. The travel time shouldn't be a problem, apparently I can do it all from my home desk and if I'm quick it'll be done in less than 10 minutes!

The rest of the year I'll be busy thinking up new funny things to put in the patch notes so that nobody notices all the **** between the lines.

Sorry Rito.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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