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Nidalee and Strenghth of the ages?

Creator: Black Panther March 16, 2016 9:03am

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Black Panther
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Jan 9th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2016 9:03am | Report

Nidalee and Strenghth of the ages?

Is Nidalee and Strenght of the Ages still working together in Jungle and do you still take AD and AP runes on her in jungle ?

MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
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Do you mean Rod of Ages?
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2016 4:57pm | Report
MungoGeri wrote:
Do you mean Rod of Ages?
I think he means the mastery, Strength of the Ages .

AFAIK, it's what pros do, so I take it as a good choice.
theyouiporit's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2016 5:36pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
I think he means the mastery, Strength of the Ages .

AFAIK, it's what pros do, so I take it as a good choice.

Not because Dyrus plays Graves top means you should, they are pros (In this case an ex-pro). Being pros, they know what they are doing, and perhaps you have not reached the level of knowledge required to squeeze all it's potential. Sometimes you are better off with some more classical builds and mastery keystones. And remember that masteries are all about your own playstyle.

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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2016 6:41pm | Report
SotA has been meta on most junglers (including Nidalee for a long while)

Not sure what you mean by "still," afaik there haven't been huge changes to it.

You'll want to take
Mpen / hpen / ad marks
armor / hp/lvl seals
AP / AP/lvl / mixed CDR glyphs
AP quints

for runes
Roguish Bard
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Feb 11th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2016 7:00pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
I think he means the mastery, Strength of the Ages .

AFAIK, it's what pros do, so I take it as a good choice.

Don't they also couple the mastery with Rod of Ages? Or perhaps players in high silver spamming that are confusing me. I assume they are usually copying high elo if I see it *a lot*. I also see the combo with Cinderhulk on Ekko.
letswinelo's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2016
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Yes you do have to take strength as it works very well with her clear speed and an early ROA! This will make you a fairly healthy champion and let you actually burst enemies after landing your spear(without ROA and strength of ages you would be killed fairly quickly).

People do take ap runes on nidalee jungle! I personally take hybrid pen reds , armor yellows, ap blues and ap quints. This is one of the more aggressive but high damage nidalee set ups!

I main nidalee in masters so feel free to ask me any further questions!
Wistheriya's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2016
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I'm not an experienced jungler, but keep an eye on what I face when I play.

Strength of Ages is pretty common in the jungle, due to how easy it is to farm. And it will make you surprisingly tankier. 300 HP is a pretty strong boost and will help you deal with ganks, etc.
It's also more interesting as Nidalee is a "squishy" jungler. So you'll find yourself surviving with these few HP you grinded with ths mastery
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Feb 8th, 2011
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