Evelynn has terrible AP ratio's. .45 on her Hate Spike .5 on her Ravage and 1% per 100 AP on her Agony's Embrace. So Waith is pretty bad imo, and only got worse since they changed it from spell vamp to 30 bonus AP. Elder lizard is pretty good now that they changed her E to do physical damage. I think lizard is a lot better in most scenario's, but then again, I don't really see a reason to build AP on eve anymore
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Just build whatever you feel you need, and build items that work with what you need. I mean, obviously you're going to need a bit of ad, some ap, a little mana, some health, a bit of armor, a hint of magic resist, and a sprinkle of cdr. Oh, and boots. Don't forget boots.
Do do do dee do do do
Janna doesn't need boots, MS mastery tree, MS Quints, Tailwind, Zephyr's passive, and Twin Shadows grant her all the MS she could need. Building boots on her will just make the MS less effective since there's a speed modifier, with that said, I see a lot of guides build boots on her, Mercury's I understand, but Mobility?
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I feel like maybe Lizard is better if you are planning to be up close in team fights initiating in melee range, whereas wraith may be better for a more offensive "blow someone up" AP build.