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[1v1 Live Tournament] Casted by Cdx - Razer...

Creator: Burninfate August 11, 2013 5:28pm
Burninfate's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 11, 2013 5:28pm | Report
Hey guys! We are back at it again with another 1v1 Tournament casted live by Cdx! Tonight we are hosting a 1v1 8(16 players) bracket tournament, free entry and league, division, and skill does not matter! We will pick the majority of the players from random in the chatroom!

Today we are giving out a Razer Sphex League of Legends Edition to the chatroom & RIOT POINTS to the winner of the tournament!

Hope to see you all there! We do 3-5 of these tournaments a week! 720p+ Stream Quality.

Tournament Rules:
First Blood wins
First Tower wins
100 CS wins
All champions can be played.

Good luck!

Stream LINK: or

Please help support us by spreading the word! We are looking to improve the League of Legends Community! -Cdx

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