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Doing a Charity Streaming

Creator: Athelan March 29, 2015 2:33am
Athelan's Forum Avatar
Mar 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 29, 2015 2:33am | Report
Hey people

Doing a live stream to raise some money for a Mission Trip: Mercer on Mission to Vietnam.

Mercer on Mission: Vietnam is a program at Mercer University where every summer, students are taught how to fit prosthetic. After two weeks of class, the students takes their skills and applied it in Vietnam. Last Summer, the team (about 20 people), we fitted 465 amputee (Below and Above Knee), as well as medically diagnose over 2000 patients in Southern Vietnam. The money we raised during the school year also go to buying medicines, foods for the poor, and school supplies for orphanages.

I spend a lot of time playing league of legends so I decided to do a charity event for the charity, and hope to raise a reasonable amount of money for them before the program started. I think that everyone should have an opportunity to enjoy themselves, even if it means playing games.
You can watch the stream live at, so come and support us.
To donate to the charity just click this link and help us out Every donation can change someone else life. A USD dollars is equivalent to 20k **** in Vietnam. This amount could buy them ranging from a pair of shoes to two meals.
So if your feeling generous, or just want to come and watch/join then come and watch the stream for a bit
Thanks, And I hope to see you soon!

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