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[Guide] Breakdown of Lee sin

Creator: OxHDTV March 7, 2015 3:39am
OxHDTV's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2015 3:39am | Report
I'm a starting content creator and this is my first league of legends video. In this video i break down the mechanics of Lee Sin, and try to take an analytic approach for a guide. I've had the idea for a Lee Sin video for a while now since he's such a versatile champion, and i hope i was able to capture that.

The creation of this guide is part of a bigger picture, which is a personal quest that i put myself on.. An experiment...A challenge..
17 days ago i decided to start a 100 day challenge for content creation. Not only am i trying to create gaming content, but i also try to monitor the process by making multiple Vlogs each week.
This is to see what kind of things you face as a starting content creator/ Youtuber.

The challenge will last a 100 days (currently i'm on day 17), and the goal is a 1000 Youtube subscribers.
Currently i am making content for League of Legends and Wildstar.

If you like my video(s) or just want to support me, please subscribe to my Youtube.
Feedback is appreciated, as well as ideas for future videos.

VIDEO: [Guide] Breakdown of Lee Sin (14:54)

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