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How to Lee Sin | Teamfighting | Challenger...

Creator: samoanth0r February 22, 2015 10:55pm
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Jan 30th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2015 10:55pm | Report
Yo w***up guys, Zazuu here. Master Tier Solo q and Ranked 5's Challenger in Season 4.

In this video, I talk about How to Teamfight as Lee Sin, the 3 options you can take and also announce the winner of my Free Coaching Session Competition that I held in my last video.

Hope you guys take away some good tips from this video, if you enjoy my style hit the sub button.

Lastly, I want to thankyou guys for getting my Introduction video to the front page of Summoner School. I'm putting in heaps of time to grow my YT Channel and I appreciate the support you give me and also that you are receiving some solid knowledge from my videos.

Now go slay some noobs on the rift bruhs, Danyon Togia (Zazuu).

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide