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's Forum Avatar

Just started my tutorial series ! Please leave...

Creator: Ennyn February 3, 2015 9:52pm
Ennyn's Forum Avatar
Feb 3rd, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2015 9:52pm | Report
Hey guys !
I`m starting to do some reviews, tutorials, guides, how to`s, all that good stuff.

I just started my first League of Legends tutorial video, if you`re a beginner and interested in learning quickly and effectively, Check it out !

"League of Legends - #1 Quick Guide for Beginners (Guide for dummies, beginners, advanced)"

If you`re not a beginner but you`d like to recieve quality reviews, tutorials, guides or how to`s about games, movies, series, and all that good stuff, you can subscribe to my channel, or just take a look around and leave some feedback, i`ll appreciate it !

YouTube Channel "Top Games & Reviews by Ennyn"

All feedback is appreciated, you guys are what makes us better and willing to improve !
You can feel at home here, tell me whatever is on your mind and i`ll make sure to answer every single one of you guys.
Thank you for taking your time.

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