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League of Legends - Jungle Rengar - Full Game...

Creator: Guirdian Smash August 8, 2013 9:13am
Guirdian Smash
Guirdian Smash's Forum Avatar
Jun 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2013 9:13am | Report
-Hey guys in this video I play Rengar fairly well. It is still kind of confusing to me how his mechanics work but over all I think I did well in this match.

-Give me any input you can to help me get better :)

-Runes: 4 Armor Pen Marks
3 Attack Speed Marks
2 Armor Marks
9 Armor Seals
9 Magic Resist Glyphs
3 Attack Damage Quints

-Masteries: 9/21/0


-Thanks for watching
Check out my youtube Channel.


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