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The Bare Basics - a new tutorial series

Creator: Shuru November 1, 2015 8:52pm
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2015 8:52pm | Report

Hey guys, I'm sign, or as you know me, Shuru.

This is a tutorial Video series I thought up after talking with a coworker, He complained that all the "basics" videos were long, or just confusing, and that he wasn't really learning much at all about the basics of the game from them. Now I don't know about the quality of tutorials out there, I learned from playing and watching streams more than anything, but it got me thinking: What if there was a series of videos that touched on one mechanic at a time, were short enough to watch in lobby, and detailed enough to explain the what, and the how, of a mechanic for new players who just wanted a simpler way to learn?

The entire point of this series is just that, short but sweet, show it to new friends you're having trouble teaching, or if you are new, and just don't know what last hitting, or kiting, or harassing really is, then watch for yourself!

Every video I make is reviewed by a plethora of diamonds of the current season, or in the case of preseason, the season before, I make sure everything I post is accurate to the best of my abilities, and the gameplay, or the examples, good enough to provide a visual example of what I'm trying to explain.

That's all :P
Ban out GoodPlays GG

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