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The Best Muffin Streamer

Creator: Warrior Muffin August 7, 2013 6:48pm
Warrior Muffin
Warrior Muffin's Forum Avatar
Aug 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2013 6:48pm | Report

I am going to be streaming for you're guys pleasure! I am amazing (just kidding I suck)! I am going to get a 24 hour stream going for charity, so please come stop by and let me know what you think! I am going to be giving out some Riot Points if I can get some viewers hanging out and talking in chat(if twitch ever fixes chat)! Hope to see you there! Check my twitch site Warrior Muffin or, follow me at Twitter to know when I am streaming! I would really appreciate any feedback you guys have! Also please let me know if you have any graphical tips for my twitch page. Hope to see you guys in the chat.


The Muffin Man

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