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The Mind of a Challenger | Pre-Game Planning...

Creator: samoanth0r February 9, 2015 8:45pm
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Jan 30th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2015 8:45pm | Report
Hey guys,

Danyon Togia here ("Zazuu"), Master Tier Solo q and Challenger Ranked 5s player.

Here is the response to my post about starting a youtube channel for everyone.

In this video, I talk about Pre-Game Planning and the things that you should be thinking about before the game starts.

With the tips in this video, you will feel less stressed in ranked games, more confident to carry and I GUARANTEE you will be a better player from these tips. I can't guarantee that you will reach Challenger in 30 wins and 2 weeks or some crazy shiz like that, But if you do follow these tips, you WILL become a better player, no doubt about it.

Remember if you like this video make sure to share it with other LoL players who will benefit from this material, Like Comment Subscribe all that cool ****, and tell me about what goes through your mind before a game starts.

See you on the rift ;) Danyon Togia.

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