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Using the Seeds of Chaos - Sona Edition

Creator: mobrebel May 10, 2011 10:10pm
mobrebel's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 10, 2011 10:10pm | Report

The highlight starts around 1:17. I am Malphite, solo top. (EU players, rejoice XD) I kill the Sona. What happens afterwards is caused by my careful prodding and me pushing my teammates to do the same. Chaotic Bliss would be proud.

Sorry about the bad quality, but I am willing to try to figure out most of the dialogue... (I sadly can't remember MOST of it XD)

I would use embed, but every time I do, AP Live appears 0-0. I shall never figure out why...

Thanks to Scrax for my Evelynn Sig.I did the Yi, Anivia, and Udyr Sig.
Visit my signature shop! I will take requests! <- My stream is UP!

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