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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Elixir of Sorcery

Elixir of Sorcery
Total Price: 500 | Sell Price: 200

LoL Item: Elixir of Sorcery

Click: Grants 50 ability power, 15 flat mana regeneration, and Sorcery for 180 seconds. Can be used while dead.

UNIQUE Passive: Going in combat by affecting enemy champions or turrets deals 25 bonus true damage (5 second cooldown on each champion, no cooldown against turrets).

Limited to 1 Elixir item. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects. Level 9 required to purchase.

Click: Grants 50 ability power, 15 flat mana regeneration, and Sorcery for 180 seconds. Can be used while dead.

UNIQUE Passive: Going in combat by affecting enemy champions or turrets deals 25 bonus true damage (5 second cooldown on each champion, no cooldown against turrets).

Limited to 1 Elixir item. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects. Level 9 required to purchase.

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Hopesedge (8) | February 7, 2015 6:55pm
Works well on Corki even if you're play ad!
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