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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Enchantment: Distortion

Enchantment: Distortion
Total Price: 450 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Enchantment: Distortion

UNIQUE Passive: Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost: Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash: 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport: 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

Can be applied to any tier 2 boot.

UNIQUE Passive: Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost: Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash: 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport: 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

Can be applied to any tier 2 boot.

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Arno215 | October 20, 2015 11:09am
Flash =300
Flash + Distortion =300-300(0.2)=240
Flash + Distortion + Insight =300-300(0.2)-300(0.1)=210

Ghost =210
Ghost + Distortion =210-210(0.2)=168
Ghost + Distortion + Insight =210-210(0.2)-210(0.1)=147

Teleport =300, 240, 200
Teleport + Distortion
=300-300(0.2)=240 OR
=240-240(0.2)=192 OR
Teleport + Distortion + Insight
=300-300(0.2)-300(0.1)=210 OR
=240-240(0.2)-240(0.1)=168 OR
Sefetriex (1) | December 24, 2012 6:25am
Flash = 300s. Flash + Distortion = 225s. Flash + Insight + Distortion = 213.75s.
Ghost = 210s. Ghost + Distortion = 157.5s.
Teleport = 300s. Teleport + Distortion = 225s.
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