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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Hunter's Talisman

Hunter's Talisman
Total Price: 350 | Sell Price: 245

LoL Item: Hunter's Talisman

UNIQUE Passive: Tooth: Damaging a monster by any means set it aflame, dealing an additional 60 magic damage over 5 seconds while causing you to restore 6 health per second for every enemy you're burning. Healing provided by this item is increased by 50% when below 30% maximum health. While in the jungle or river, regenerate 08 mana per second (depending on missing mana).

UNIQUE Passive: Killing large or epic monsters grants +60 bonus experience. Once per game, killing a large monster also grants an additional +150 bonus experience. If your gold from minions is greater than 40% your gold from monsters, a lane minion will grant 13 less gold and 50% reduced experience. This penalty is removed at 20 minutes.

Limited to 1 Jungle or Gold Income item.

This item can only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell.

UNIQUE Passive: Tooth: Damaging a monster by any means set it aflame, dealing an additional 60 magic damage over 5 seconds while causing you to restore 6 health per second for every enemy you're burning. Healing provided by this item is increased by 50% when below 30% maximum health. While in the jungle or river, regenerate 08 mana per second (depending on missing mana).

UNIQUE Passive: Killing large or epic monsters grants +60 bonus experience. Once per game, killing a large monster also grants an additional +150 bonus experience. If your gold from minions is greater than 40% your gold from monsters, a lane minion will grant 13 less gold and 50% reduced experience. This penalty is removed at 20 minutes.

Limited to 1 Jungle or Gold Income item.

This item can only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell.

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Warea | October 25, 2020 2:56pm
Machette du chasseur est préférable pour un héros sans mana
S4njuro | October 12, 2017 3:13pm
So it looks like this is preferred over machete when your champ does AOE because it can stack heals from each target hit. Not clear how that heal stacking works from the tool tip. I'm just posting this here because I'm new to the game, trying to jungle and little clarifications like this help a lot. If anyone has anything to add?
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