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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Ionic Spark

Ionic Spark
Total Price: 2100 | Recipe Price: 575 | Sell Price: 1610

LoL Item: Ionic Spark
  • 50% Attack Speed
  • 250 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Every fourth attack deals 125 magic damage to up to 4 targets. (400 Bounce Range)

(This item is unavailable for purchase)
  • 50% Attack Speed
  • 250 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Every fourth attack deals 125 magic damage to up to 4 targets. (400 Bounce Range)

(This item is unavailable for purchase)

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Disturbator (1) | July 2, 2013 6:11am
Sandvich | April 20, 2013 3:07pm
WukonWuju (1) | December 19, 2012 6:00pm
Psychofrench (31) | December 7, 2012 9:12am
Not gonna happen, this item has been removed from the game.
psylent6 | December 7, 2012 9:05am
Does this get triggered by the minor bolts on hurricane? If so imagine... 3 Ionic Sparks being triggered every 4th attack...
Spark0Storm | May 29, 2012 11:22am
I was trying to build this into a twisted fate build the other day and i think the lightning stacks with the blue card giving even more bonus mana
blakestro | April 3, 2012 9:10pm
I can't believe THIS replaced sword of the divine. It's kind of garbage now.
Angus Mackenzie (7) | February 1, 2012 6:19pm
Cpt.Power wrote:

If you get more Ionic sparks you get more chain lightnings??? I.E. Each of them gives lightning hit every 4 hits????

Cpt.Power | January 30, 2012 4:03pm
If you get more Ionic sparks you get more chain lightnings??? I.E. Each of them gives lightning hit every 4 hits????
RaNuD (19) | January 15, 2012 7:56am

Up to 4 targets.. it's kinda dodgy.. there is no mention of range or how the damage is done.. it's evenly split or it's 400 damage total??


"deals 110 magic damage to up to 4 targets" = 110 each

"(400 Bounce Range)" = looks for other targets within a ranged equal to flash's range
snakeman830 (10) | September 24, 2011 2:48pm

Up to 4 targets.. it's kinda dodgy.. there is no mention of range or how the damage is done.. it's evenly split or it's 400 damage total??


After having one well-observed proc in a game last night, it appears to be 100 damage split among the targets.
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