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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Looted Oracle's Extract

Looted Oracle's Extract
Total Price: 0 | Sell Price: 24

LoL Item: Looted Oracle's Extract

Click: Grants True Sight as well as the ability to detect hidden units within a 500-unit detection radius for 15 - 40 (based on level) seconds. The detection will ignore terrain and brush.
  • True Sight will reveal both stealthed and invisible enemies.
  • Detection highlights units, traps and wards as a red silhouette.

Requires Kleptomancy

Click: Grants True Sight as well as the ability to detect hidden units within a 500-unit detection radius for 15 - 40 (based on level) seconds. The detection will ignore terrain and brush.
  • True Sight will reveal both stealthed and invisible enemies.
  • Detection highlights units, traps and wards as a red silhouette.

Requires Kleptomancy

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