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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Mana Potion

Mana Potion
Total Price: 0 | Sell Price: 12

LoL Item: Mana Potion

Click: Regenerates 3.33 mana every half-second for 15 seconds, restoring a total of 100 mana.

Limited to 5 at one time. Requires Kleptomancy

Click: Regenerates 3.33 mana every half-second for 15 seconds, restoring a total of 100 mana.

Limited to 5 at one time. Requires Kleptomancy

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LordPickleton | September 24, 2012 9:33pm
100mp isn't very much for a caster at low level, but if you're a support or AP carry you should be building for a huge pool of mana or tons of regen anyway. These are just fine for early game and champs that don't have a very big mana pool or regen. I tend to grab 1 at beginning when I pick Ashe just cuz at the beginning it lets me get in 1 or 2 extra volleys before I'm oom, which could possibly pick me up a kill or clear a minion wave.

That being said, they effect is not very noticeable on a manahog like Taric who even early game is spending around 100mp per spell.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 8:59am
Dont agree. They can be useful.
tarunitar | April 11, 2011 4:37pm
Mana pots are way too underpowered, Riot needs to buff them considerably, or lower the cost of them. Right now they aren't very viable for anything...
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