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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Oracle's Extract

Oracle's Extract
Total Price: 300 | Sell Price: 210

LoL Item: Oracle's Extract

Click: Grants your champion stealth detection for 5 minutes. Reveals traps and indicates hidden units with red silhouettes.

Click: Grants your champion stealth detection for 5 minutes. Reveals traps and indicates hidden units with red silhouettes.

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Pelikins (44) | September 21, 2011 11:36am
Way to be cool ninjaginge...

Drogba, they are doing a stealth mechanic rework to make the base stealth abilities a bit less powerful but they are also making stealth detection items less powerful as well. As it currently is, most high elo players can completely shut down any stealth champions from being affective by using the overly powerful detection items in place while in low elo brackets stealth champions are constantly being too powerful because the players don't know how to counteract and use the detection items correctly.

To compensate they are nerfing base stealth but also the stealth detection itemization.
NinjaGinge (90) | September 21, 2011 11:16am
hur dur.

ya think?
DrogbaPT2 (3) | September 19, 2011 11:15am
This is worse than oracle elixir
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