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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Oracle's Lens

Oracle's Lens
Total Price: 250 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Oracle's Lens

Active: Disables and reveals nearby hidden wards, traps or devices for 6 seconds, active now additionally grants True Sight for 10 seconds after activation (75 second cooldown, sweep area of effect increased by 100%, 600 range)

Active: Disables and reveals nearby hidden wards, traps or devices for 6 seconds, active now additionally grants True Sight for 10 seconds after activation (75 second cooldown, sweep area of effect increased by 100%, 600 range)

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Im Gucci | April 2, 2015 1:06am
V useful jungle item
EdisonKhoo (74) | February 22, 2014 9:49am
Ape3PO wrote:

Somehow... we all just... forget this exists true...
Ape3PO (4) | February 22, 2014 9:39am
Somehow... we all just... forget this exists
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