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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Scarecrow Effigy

Scarecrow Effigy
Total Price: 0 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Scarecrow Effigy

Active: Consume a charge to place a visible Effigy at the target location, which reveals the surrounding area. The effigy visually appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies while idle. Enemy champions that approach an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will deal 1 damage to itself. Stores one charge every 11530 seconds, up to 2 maximum charges (depending on level).

Limited to 1 Trinket. Only available to Fiddlesticks.

Active: Consume a charge to place a visible Effigy at the target location, which reveals the surrounding area. The effigy visually appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies while idle. Enemy champions that approach an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will deal 1 damage to itself. Stores one charge every 11530 seconds, up to 2 maximum charges (depending on level).

Limited to 1 Trinket. Only available to Fiddlesticks.

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