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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Travel Size Elixir of Wrath

Travel Size Elixir of Wrath
Total Price: 0 | Sell Price: 32

LoL Item: Travel Size Elixir of Wrath

Click: Grants 15 bonus attack damage and Bloodlust for 45 - 90 (based on level) seconds.

UNIQUE Passive: Bloodlust: Dealing physical damage to champions heals for 10% of the damage dealt. Area of effect physical damage only heals 3.3% for every unit affected.

Can stack with other Travel Size elixirs and with standard elixirs. Requires Kleptomancy.

Click: Grants 15 bonus attack damage and Bloodlust for 45 - 90 (based on level) seconds.

UNIQUE Passive: Bloodlust: Dealing physical damage to champions heals for 10% of the damage dealt. Area of effect physical damage only heals 3.3% for every unit affected.

Can stack with other Travel Size elixirs and with standard elixirs. Requires Kleptomancy.

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