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Home // News // [TFT 13.4] Festival of Beasts Returns

[TFT 13.4] Festival of Beasts Returns

Celebrate the Lunar New Year by playing through the Revival of the beloved 2021 set Fates: Festival of Beasts!

As announced at the end of the Teamfight Tactics Macao Open, the 2025 TFT season will start off with a very exciting Revival set, right on time for the Lunar New Year! We're talking, of course, about a revival of the beloved Fates: Festival of Beasts set, which initially ran between January 21st and April 28th in 2021.

Our last Revival event brought back Dawn of Heroes with some updates to make sure it suits the game as it is today. Festival of Beasts will receive similar updates; notably, for the first time now, you'll be able to play the set with Augments enabled, since Augments weren't a mechanic when the set was initially live. However, all your favourite mechanics, traits, and units, will remain largely unchanged!

Trait Updates

Another large change for TFT that hadn't existed during the initial run of the set was the inclusion of Prismatic Traits. Most traits can be Bronze, Silver, or Gold tier depending on how many units you field that share the trait. A select few can attain the Prismatic tier, making them much more powerful. However, this is quite a feat! You usually need at least two, sometimes even three, Emblems to get to that point. The new Chosen mechanic can help you reach these new heights!

In the Festival of Beasts Revival set, you'll now be able to achieve a Prismatic Trait for the Cultist Origin, Warlord Origin, Mage Class, and Fortune Class!

Cultists summon a Galio to the field who will ravage your opponent. The more units you have, the stronger the Galio. You'll need 11 Cultists to activate the Prismatic Cultist Trait, which requires you to have all eight Cultist Units and three more Emblems. Cultist 11 will summon The Endbringer Galio, the strongest possible summon.

Warlords gain bonus Health and AP, with the bonus increasing with the number of units. At Warlord 11, which would require four Emblems, Warlords will gain 1500 Health, 150% AP and have a platoon of Azir's soldiers join the fight. Apparently, this platoon is strong enough to defeat even a 3-starred 5-cost unit.

Mages cast their abilities twice but have lower AP. At the new Prismatic Tier, Mages 9, their AP will be modified to being 190% as effective, and they'll cast much more frequently. You'll need all six Mages, and three Emblems to get to this point.

With the Fortune trait active, you'll receive a bonus orb when you defeat an enemy player. The longer you've gone without an orb, the more valuable it is. At Fortune 10, a Money Tree will sprout and join your battle. You'll need to acquire all five Fortune units and then find five more Emblems to achieve this.

Set Mechanic: Chosen

The mechanic of the revival set is called Chosen. Chosen champions appear in every fourth shop, even if you already have one on your board or bench. When a Chosen champion is purchased, they will already be at a 2-star level and cost accordingly. Chosen champions give a +1 to one of their traits. For example, a Chosen Fiora can count as a +2 to the Duellist Trait, instead of just a +1.

There are a few rules to this:

  • All units have at least two Traits. When you see a Chosen you've seen before, they will not grant a +1 to the same trait as when you last saw them.

  • When you pass on a Chosen unit, you won't see that champion again for a few rounds.

  • There must be three copies of that unit remaining in the pool for them to appear as a Chosen champion. However, your bag size is personal with the number of units per cost listed below:

    1 cost: 11x

2 cost: 11x

3 cost: 11x

4 cost: 10x

5 cost: 9x


Augments didn't exist in 2021, so this will be the first time we get to enjoy the set with this evergreen addition. A lot of the available Augments will be similar to what is live with the Into The Arcane set right now, but some especially cooked up Augments for the Festival of Beasts set will also be added. Below is a sneak peek of a few of the Class and Origin specific Augments that are being added:

Cult’s Offerings (Cultist)

For every Gold above 40 that you have during planning, Galio permanently gains 5 health, up to 600.

Divine Zeal (Divine)

When Ascended, Divine units also gain 10% Attack Speed. Gain a Nasus.

Mother Dragon Breath (Dragonsoul)

After 8 seconds of combat, a Dragon strikes the board, dealing 30% of max Health in magic damage to enemies and granting all allies 12% Attack Speed for the rest of combat. Gain a Tristana and a Braum.

Money Sprout (Fortune)

When Fortune is active, gain a Money Sprout that helps you in combat or drops gold depending on if it is in the front or back row. Gain a Tahm Kench and Annie.

The Tyrannical Warlord (Warlord)

At the start of combat, the Warlord who dealt the most damage last combat becomes the Tyrant. The Tyrant gains 25% Damage Amp. Gain a Jarvan IV and a Nidalee.

Executioner's Cut (Executioner)

Executioner executes enemies below 10% health.

More Updates

Lucky Lantern Opening Encounter

In 2021, Lucky Lanterns occasionally cropped up after a carousel round and rewarded players with loot. For the duration of the Revival Set, this will be adapted to an Opening Encounter. If you spot Tahm Kench when the game starts, there's a good chance it's a Lucky Lantern game!

Revival Ladder

The Revival leaderboards are back! Track your progress in a separate TFT tab and earn unique rewards for participating in this Revival event. Once again, you’ll be able to acquire a unique name-plate that you can keep until the end of the current live set.

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