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Home // News // League of Legends Champion & Skin Sale: November 25th - December 2nd

League of Legends Champion & Skin Sale: November 25th - December 2nd

Find out which champions and skins will be on sale for the week between the 25th of November and the 2nd of December by scanning our article below!

Current Champion Sale






790 RP 316 RP

880 RP 440 RP

880 RP 440 RP

880 RP 440 RP

790 RP 316 RP

Current Skin Sale

Choo-Choo Ornn

Elderwood Gnar

Woof and Lamb Kindred

1350 RP 944 RP

1350 RP 675 RP

1350 RP 944 RP

Pool Party Braum

Battle Academia Wukong

Toy Terror Cho’Gath

1350 RP 675 RP

1350 RP 742 RP

1359 RP 1012 RP

Lunar Guardian Malphite

Street Demons Briar

Elderwood Azir

1350 RP 810 RP

1350 RP 810 RP

1350 RP 607 RP

Faerie Court Tristana

Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Sona

Temple Jax

1350 RP 975 RP

1350 RP 810 RP

1350 RP 300 RP

Battle Boss Brand

Commando Garen

High Noon Irelia

1350 RP 675 RP

520 RP 260 RP

1350 RP 607 RP

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do League skin sales work?

Each week on Monday at 12 PST, 15 random skins and 5 random champions will go on sale. The amount discounted is also random, some skins can go as far as 60% off, while others only 30% off.

2. How often are skins on sale in League?

Skin sales will occur every single week on Monday.

3. Do Legendary skins and Ultimate skins go on sale?

Legendary skins will go on sale once about six months after they’ve been released. After that, Legendary Skins do not get discounted again. The same applies to Ultimate skins.

4. When will [X] go on sale?

Unfortunately Riot does not publish information on when any particular skin will go on sale. However, you can search up the skin on MOBAFire to see when the skin was last on sale. If a skin was on sale very recently, you can guess that it’ll take several months or even longer to go on sale again. You can add skins to your MOBAFire Wishlist to get notified by e-mail when the skin does go on sale!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide