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Home // News // TFT Inkborn Fables Patch 14.14

TFT Inkborn Fables Patch 14.14

Inkborn Fables has received its final update! Read on to learn about all the changes that have gone live on Wednesday in Teamfight Tactics, including a new tier for the Behemoth and Warden traits, and more Encounters than ever before!

 In a Nutshell β€Ž 

Eight patch cycles later, it's time we bid Inkborn Fables farewell. This is another buff-heavy patch, with more Encounters than ever before. Each game will now have five Encounters, and many of the playerbase's favourites will now be more frequent, while less fun Encounters should show up less often.

In addition to several units getting buffed, including Kobuko and Alune, who we'll be saying goodbye to as well for now, two traits have received significant buffs. You can now field eight Behemoths and eight Wardens, rather than 2/4/6. At Behemoth 8 and Warden 8 respectively, you can expect a major power spike.

A new TFT set, Magic n' Mayhem is set to arrive in Patch 14.15 on the 31st of July. Read up on all the new Origins in our article here as you get ready for some mischief.

Image sourced from

 Rotating Shop Infographic β€Ž

Two Chibis are returning to the Treasure Realms and Rotating Shop as we near the end of Inkborn Fables. Chibi Dragonmancer Kai'Sa will be available through Treasure Realms, and can be acquired by opening Treasure Realm Bounties using Treasure Tokens. Kai'Sa, as well as Chibi Majestic Empress Morgana, can also be purchased for 10 Mythic Medallions in the Mythic section of the Rotating Shop.

In the same tab, you can find two Mythic Arena skins - Tournament of Souls and Mecha Prime Zero. Both Arenas will run you 10 Mythic Medallions each as well. As a reminder, Mythic Medallions can only be acquired by opening Treasure Realm Bounties.

 Encounters β€Ž

Encounters are departing after this patch, so this is our last chance to enjoy them. Riot is adding more Encounters in every game in Patch 14.14, and you'll be seeing more of your faves.

Frequency Changes

Every game will now have 5 Encounters. The follow Encounters are more likely to occur:

Darius - Spoils of War

Enemy champions have a 30% chance of dropping loot when killed.

Kobuko - Dance with me

Kobuko invites you to dance with him! The more players join in, the better the reward.

Jax - Support or Artifact

Jax offers you a weapon from different armories: Artifact, or Support.

Kai'Sa - Golden Remover or 5g

Kai'Sa offers you an Item Remover with infinite uses, or gold.

Kha'Zix - XP costs 3g

Kha'Zix causes XP to cost 3 gold instead of 4 this game. EVOLVE!

Lee Sin - Treasure Armory

Lee Sin offers you a Treasure Armory that can be rerolled up to 10 times.

Ornn - Artifact Armory

Ornn offers you a choice of Artifacts.

Sett - Did you know? Working out with Sett makes you BIGGER

Your Little Legend gets swole.

Tristana - Grants Gold

Tristana grants a gift of gold!

Yorick - Rerolls cost 1g

Yorick reduces the cost to reroll your Shop by 1.

Zoe - Only odd levels

Zoe changes reality so only odd levels exist this game.

Zyra - 3 of the same component

Choose a component. Zyra grants you 3 copies of it.

The follow Encounters are less likely to occur:

Ashe - Know next opponent

Ashe reveals your upcoming opponent for the rest of the game.

Lillia - Shift Augments

Lillia moves all the Augments to random rounds!

Ornn - Artifact Carousel

Ornn adds an Artifact for each champion on Carousel.

Yorick - Rerolls cost 1g for a limited time

Yorick reduces the cost to reroll your Shop by 1 for the next 3 rounds.

Encounter Effect Changes

Three Encounters will now have more potent effects. Dancing with Kobuko now gives even more rewards, while Tristana now gives players even more gold. It's now easier to hit the highest tier of loot while fishing with Tahm Kench.

 Significant Changes β€Ž

Trait Changes

BEHEMOTH / Cho'Gath, Malphite, Shen, Yorick, Thresh, Ornn, Udyr

BUFF Behemoths are getting some new upgrades! The Behemoth trait now goes up to 8 instead of 2/4/6. At Behemoth 8, Behemoths gain 115 Armour and Magic Resistance, and they get 50% larger.

FORTUNE / Kobuko, Teemo, Tristana, Zoe, Annie

BUFF At Stage 3, Fortune Base Luck goes up to 3 from 2, making it easier to accumulate Luck points. Additionally, the maximum Fortune cashout breakpoint has been lowered to 225, from 250, so you can now cash in earlier. If you haven’t tried Fortune yet, now’s the time!

WARDEN / Garen, Jax, Gnar, Amumu, Illaoi, Nautilus, Sett

BUFF You can now go Warden 8 as well! At Warden 8, Wardens gain 45% Damage Reduction, and scout for you. You'll know who your next opponent is when you field 8 Wardens.

Unit Changes



BUFF Jax - Now has a smaller mana pool, from 20/60 to 0/40.

BUFF Kobuko - Now has higher base Attack Speed, from 0.5 to 0.6. Kobuko will now get bigger when you have Lucky Paws (Augment).

BUFF Malphite - Now has higher base Attack Speed, from 0.55 to 0.65.

BUFF Rek’Sai - Now has a smaller mana pool, from 40/90 to 40/80. Rek’Sai’s Ability now deals more damage: from 70/90/120% AP + 12% HP to 70/90/120% AP + 15% HP.

BUFF Sivir - Her Ability now has a longer duration, from 6/7/8 seconds to 6/8/10 seconds.

BUFF Yasuo - His shield is now stronger, from 225/250/300 + 50/60/75% Armor/MR to 225/250/300 + 60/75/100% Armor/MR.



BUFF Aatrox - His Ability now heals him more, from 120/150/200% AP to 180/210/270% AP.

BUFF Riven - Now has a smaller mana pool, from 0/25 to 0/20.



BUFF Alune - Now has significantly more Attack Damage, from 40 to 55.

BUFF Diana - Her ability now deals more on-hit damage, from 75/110/180% AP to 90/135/220% AP.



No changes.



No changes.

Spirit Blossom Alune tft splash art! : r/ApheliosMains

Augment Changes


No changes.


No changes.


No changes.

Item Changes


No changes.


No changes.


No changes.

Minor Changes β€Ž

Trait Changes

  • NERF Sniper - Now deal a teensy bit less damage, from 8/18/35% increased damage per hex, to 8/17.9/34.7% increased damage per hex.

Unit Changes

  • NERF Bard  - Now has less Attack Damage, from 55 to 54.

  • NERF Yone - Now has less Attack Damage, from 65 to 64.

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