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Home // News // Get Ready For TFT's 5-Year Bash!

Get Ready For TFT's 5-Year Bash!

It's been five years of Teamfight Tactics and everyone is invited to celebrate the occasion! Starting from June 12th, enjoy plentiful gifts and a brand new TFT game mode!

Save the Date!

The celebration commences June 12th, on Wednesday, alongside Patch 14.12, and ends with the conclusion of Patch 14.14, on July 15th.

Birthday Gifts! Free Login Rewards

What’s a birthday party without gifts? To celebrate TFT’s anniversary, log in ten times during the course of the event and secure your free login reward. Days 1-through-9 you will receive 50 Treasure Tokens (500 Tokens in total) which you can use in the Treasure Realms tab on TFT to unlock various Little Legends, and, if you’re lucky, an exclusive reward. On Day 10, in lieu of more Treasure Tokens, you will gain the “I Celebrate” Pengu emote!

Free Pass Rewards

In addition to the daily login rewards, you can also grind a new, completely free, mini-event pass to earn various rewards. The Event Pass has 14 tiers, which you can unlock through the usual means - doing missions and playing Teamfight Tactics. In total, if you complete all 14 levels of the Anniversary Event Pass, you'll gain two unique Emotes, a new Pengu Little Legend, 300 Star Shards, and 500 more Treasure Tokens!

Level 1

50 Star Shards

Level 2

100 Treasure Tokens

Level 3

50 Star Shards

Level 4

"All Skill" Emote

Level 5

100 Treasure Tokens

Level 6

50 Star Shards

Level 7

100 Treasure Tokens

Level 8

50 Star Shards

Level 9

"1st or 8th" Emote

Level 10

100 Treasure Tokens

Level 11

50 Star Shards

Level 12

100 Treasure Tokens

Level 13

50 Star Shards

Level 14

Anniversary Pengu Little Legend

Pengu’s Party Mode

Throughout the month-long anniverary event, you'll be able to queue for a new type of TFT match - Pengu's Party Mode!

Pengu's Party Mode begins like any other game of TFT, but throughout the match, you'll be able to bolster your roster with traits from past sets. Riot hasn't revealed which sets have been invited to the birthday bash just yet, but they will be representing all 5 years of TFT history.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide