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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Help for rank


  • Diabliux

    Help for rank

    Whats good champ to get out of b4 to silver5
  • Answers (3)

    C3brax | October 4, 2016 4:26am
    I'd say you should prefer tanky Champions, as they forgive many mistakes made in LowElo. For Toplane this might be Darius, Garen etc. For Midlane you can take for example Annie or Malzahar (with RoA and other Life-Stuff). In Jungle you can take Rek'Sai (Tanky and incredible Damage), or Olaf (high carry Potential).
    MFG C3brax
    GrandmasterD (531) | October 4, 2016 11:42am
    This is partially true and so, so, so wrong.
    Rabid Duck | October 4, 2016 11:15am
    Honestly if you want to get out of bronze you have to play mid top or jg. For each role you should choose super easy champs to play that can carry such as Annie, Garen and Amumu.
    C3brax | October 4, 2016 4:27am
    BTW, next time you ask a question like this you should try to define, which lane you main or play preferred.
    koyomilikesbloods | September 29, 2016 7:39am
    Volibear or Darius
    red0nzpx | September 25, 2016 10:36am
    elise is and really good champ to hard carry in jungle
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