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League of Legends Summoner Spell: Fortify

Level: 5
Range: 0
Cooldown: 300

Summoner Spell: Fortify
Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets and causes them to attack 100% faster for 7 seconds. While Fortify is ready to cast, you deal 9 bonus damage to minions. Spell is no longer available.

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TnDD | April 9, 2023 4:58am
Janitsu (569) | August 31, 2013 9:08am
It's removed.
dwerg252 | August 31, 2013 9:05am
hi guys, is this spell still avaible I cant find it im on EUW server ...?
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 13, 2012 2:26pm
REMOVED. I liked it.
Needlous (20) | January 18, 2012 6:31am
I miss this spell so much ;<
snakeman830 (10) | September 21, 2011 7:35pm
One thing that's often overlooked is that it can be activated while dead. It's worth having one copy on your team.
Konoa (3) | September 7, 2011 11:51am
I agree with Ternzilla, fortify is a very situational spell, and its cd is way to long, plus the spell is pretty weak without the mastery buff along with it
Temzilla (211) | August 27, 2011 8:21am
Paleonx wrote:

Very underestimated. Works well with taunts and stuns. Also proventing those pesky backdoors.

What you meant to say is, "Very Situational, and has an extremely long cooldown, thus, useless compared to other summoner spells".
Paleonx | August 27, 2011 8:19am
Very underestimated. Works well with taunts and stuns. Also proventing those pesky backdoors.
Miharunl | June 30, 2011 1:36am
Yes the 9 dmg does work on neutrals as well becaus it says minnions and not enemy units. I have seen severel junglers use it as well.

Personaly fortify is my favorit spell. because even when you are low health u can use it to kill those nasty turret divers ^^ and save team mates from turret divers. and the 9dmg extra on minnions is always nice if you play tank ^^
ganie (1) | May 3, 2011 12:08am
Good question! Does the 9 apply to neutral mobs? but also, does the 9 just apply to damage attacks, or is it spells also?
Dehamsteryzator | April 3, 2011 11:03am
Dose it's passive (+9dmg) aplayse to neutrals as well?
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