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League of Legends Summoner Spell: Surge

Level: 1
Range: 0
Cooldown: 180

Summoner Spell: Surge
Empowers your champion, increasing Attack Speed by 35% and Ability Power by 10-78 (depending on champion level) for 12 seconds. Spell is no longer available.

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fifa1fifa2 (1) | November 20, 2013 1:29pm
it was good ://
4rtifici4l (1) | May 30, 2013 9:02am
RIP surge
CrowElder (6) | October 9, 2012 10:57pm
Max stack Cho gath, surge & lulu's ulti :)
Surge isn't useless, It's good in low level games to get the first kills, but in high level games like ranked, it isn't worth of the summoner spell slot.
CellOne (15) | May 12, 2012 4:21am
Maybe for Varus :D
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 8, 2012 5:48am
Nice for Teemo, Twitch(I don't use it), Hybrid Champs.
FinalShinobi (2) | January 30, 2012 12:47am
I like it with Hybrid Kat :p She's fun ^^
Pandorux (1) | January 29, 2012 9:18am
I like using this on Volibear in Crystal Scar with the Mid Buff and his Ult.

Nothing is more terrifying than a bear 3x larger than Tibbers.
megablowfish | January 15, 2012 10:18pm
never knew that this spell made your character grow big :) lol
Alorus | November 18, 2011 6:51am
Jax much?
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