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ADC SoloQ Tierlist 14.3 Patch 14.3

DjapeFromSerbia's Tier List DjapeFromSerbia's Tier List
Last updated on February 7, 2024
33746 7
13 Votes


Lucian with Milio and Nami



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Tier Description


Good in enemy, bad in your team

Tier Description

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Usernamussy | January 3, 2024 4:09am
Obamas right nut | August 30, 2023 5:57am
You forgot to add Sivir
pmpkinz | August 15, 2023 3:50am
twitch has been left out :(
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | August 15, 2023 9:21pm
pmpkinz wrote:
twitch has been left out :(

Thank you for noticing! I added him to B tier, I don't think that current meta supports fit him very well, Rell, Rakan, Nautilus etc... all want to engage, and as Twitch, you usually want to have Lulu, Yuumi etc... If you are premade with a support he's probably at least solid A tier.
SELORONIOS (118) | March 29, 2022 3:03am
So, No Syndra and Karthus?
dunno if Syndra ADC still exists but she used to be so strong.
Karthus is still being played as ADC. I rarely see it but surprisingly, the number of Karthus ADCs I've seen is more than Yasuos...
Got carried by a Karthus ADC OTP recently :D

- but you know what's a nightmare? when the ADC picks Teemo and goes full AD -
Karinutsa (86) | September 9, 2021 6:14am
You forgot Miss Fortune. She is A tier, in my opinion.

I love Tier 5, got me laughing good. :))
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | October 1, 2021 12:39pm
Karinutsa wrote:
You forgot Miss Fortune. She is A tier, in my opinion.

I love Tier 5, got me laughing good. :))

Yes I did! My bad, sorry for that. Miss Fortune is S tier for me but for some reason I forgot LOL!
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