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Last updated on September 9, 2020
12163 16
26 Votes


I'll keep updating it with new patches and my new thoughts on it. Please enlighten me wherever you disagree with me (and tell me why).


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Mr38i3 | September 8, 2020 11:14pm
Totally agree makes so much sense to put rengar and kayn and kha zix in the best junglers as how they are performing in the ranked i see so much kha zixs one shotting me and sometimes kayn can carry his team or even kha zix. I disagree about lee sin graves and vi being good because in my opinion I think these junglers are over performing in ranked as they also have carry potential
SELORONIOS (118) | September 8, 2020 11:49pm
Hi. I put Vi and Graves to First Tier but I left Lee Sin unchanged.

It's mostly because he has GREAT pick rate and many people are used to play against him and he falls of late game compared other champs in First tier. I think other champs in T1 has a better place and Lee Sin has less carry potential compared to them.

(the only one who can struggle hard is Shaco but he has high skill cap. A good shaco can easily steal drake, baron and one shot squishies.)

however, I plan to change all of my tier lists and divide them to (Low elo (SoloQ) - High elo (SoloQ) - Flex) sections.
so all of these would be considered again. I'm hoping to make the changes in next 48h.
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 6, 2020 5:29am
Hang on.
Is this based on your experiences? Because I find Lee sin to be pretty squishy if you can get to him early on, and also, Could you specify each section, because I would Put Kayn in dependant because he is very hard to play and you need to know which form you want him to be before hand so you can make his runes. Other than those two, I think your guide is accurate and good.
SELORONIOS (118) | May 6, 2020 5:56am
Thank you for commenting on my guide.
kind of both. I don't have enough knowledge to judge all of the mid-laners. I usually gather information about them from different sources like sites, the tier lists I find good and more experienced players. Those sources have many different thoughts so I try to find the common things and then decide what to do.
some of my sources:

and about those too... Kayn got some nice buffs recently and he's in a good situation now. It can surely be hard to play with him but he's still much easier than most champs like Elise. his problems are before transforming (which is his weak part). He's one of my favorite junglers and that's the hardest part for me. choosing which form to transform to isn't really tough. if they're squishy, focus on getting blue fragments and turn blue. If they're tanky, it's even easier to transform. and he's Red version is currently at a better point duo to that CD buff which reduces his Q CD. (Red Kayn relies on his Q which is his main damage source duo to it's percentage dependent damage).
and Lee Sin, I downgraded him to 2nd tier. I personally don't have much problems against him but I think he's a decent choice for both low elo an high elo.
Have a nice day.
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 6, 2020 8:44am
Thanks for the detailed answer!
Steve57 (7) | May 6, 2020 4:51am
Is it just your opinion on what is best or is it meta?
SELORONIOS (118) | May 6, 2020 5:18am
Thank you for commenting on my guide.
kind of both. I don't have enough knowledge to judge all of the mid-laners. I usually gather information about them from different sources like sites, the tier lists I find good and more experienced players. Those sources have many different thoughts so I try to find the common things and then decide what to do.
some of my sources:
KendrickDaBaby | April 13, 2020 12:12pm
The tier list isn't bad, but I think especially towards the top, it seems to get a little weird. I don't think Darius, Jax, Nocturne, and Sett should be there. I feel as if they are more dependent than the ones who you listed as such. 3 of the 4 champs I listed get kited out quite easily, and Nocturne has a <50% WR in all ranks. Sett isn't much of a jungler anyways, since he lacks the mobility and his ganks are really just "let me run at your and hope I can get in range for E". Darius and Jax function the same way. As for Nocturne, the only reason why I would consider him just average, is that he is much better as mid laner and a lot of his potential gets squandered in teamfights. Nocturne is more of a duelist and serves little to no purpose in teamfights other than just getting picks.
KendrickDaBaby | April 13, 2020 12:16pm
Also, Graves (in my opinion) should be in the good tier, as he is slowly climbing back into the meta, and Wukong (due to being reworked) is way too strong right now and flourishes in any and every role. Wukong should most definitely be in the top two tiers as his numbers are too strong and his early clear can be helped with his godlike passive.

Other than that, not a bad list! I see that you started league not too long ago and I think you're pretty good for a newer player. Cheers and keep climbing, my friend. Not a bad list!
SELORONIOS (118) | April 13, 2020 3:56pm
Hi dear KendrickDaBaby.
Thank you for sharing your helpful thoughts on the guide.
I made some overall updates on the guide tiers with the help of your comments and some investigation. I like to know if you think that the current version is better or not.
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Heihro EUNE | April 11, 2020 9:42am
You just put, Nidalee,Gragas on the lowest tier, i know none of them are in the meta but they are still playable, so that not how it is Works!
SELORONIOS (118) | April 13, 2020 3:49pm
Hi, I updated the guide. I'd like to know if you have any new thoughts on my guide.
KendrickDaBaby | April 13, 2020 12:08pm
I agree with you. I find Gragas to be pretty useful, especially in Silver-Gold, where many don't know how to fight versus him.
SELORONIOS (118) | April 11, 2020 3:33pm
I put them in DEPENDENT tier. It means that in the right situation and right hand they'll shine. We still see Esports players play them a lot so ofc they are good, just not in the meta for most players.
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